Page 221 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 221

Whistle                   Sound made by an official using the whistle that
                                             signals  the  start/end  of  play  or  a  stop  in  the
                                             action for a timeout, half time, or the end of the
                   Inadvertent               Official’s whistle that is a performed in error.
                   Screen Blocking           A  legal  obstruction  of  an  opponent  without
                                             contacting  him/her  with  any  part  of  the  screen
                                             blocker’s body.
                   Shielding                 An act by the ball carrier to prevent a defender
                   (Flag Guarding)           from pulling the ball carrier’s flags by stiff arm,
                                             lowering elbow or head, or by blocking access to
                                             the runner’s flags with a hand or arm.
                   Shovel Pass               A  legal  pass  attempted  beyond  the  line  of
                                             scrimmage  by  throwing  the  ball  underhand  or
                                             pushing it towards a receiver in a shot put type
                   Lateral/pitch             A  BACKWARD  PASS  of  the  ball  by  the  ball
                   Unsportsmanlike           A rude, confrontational, or offensive behavior or
                   Conduct                   language.
                   Shift                     A  shift  is  the  action  of  one  or  more  offensive
                                             players who after taking positions move to a new
                                             position prior to the snap.

                   Defer                     Winner  of  Coin  toss  is  giving  the  choice  to  the
                                             other  team  for  the  first  half  of  the  game.  The
                                             winner of the coin toss gets choice in the second
                   No Run Zones              Areas of the field where teams can only pass the
                   Center                    Player that snaps ball through legs to begin play.

                   6   Special Olympics North America

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