Page 267 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 267
Markings on the rink
All markings shall be made with lines, 4 to 5 centimeters in width, in a clearly visible
A center line and center spot shall be marked. The center line shall be parallel to the
short sides of the rink and divide the rink into two halves of equal size.
Goalkeeper areas
Goal creases measuring four meters by five meters shall be marked 2.85 meters
from the short sides of the rink. The goal creases shall be rectangular, and the
measures indicate length by width including the lines. The goal creases shall be
centered in relation to the long sides of the rink.
Goalkeeper areas measuring one meter by 2.5 meters shall be marked 0.65 meter in
front of the rear limits of the goal creases. The goalkeeper areas shall be
15 VERSION: June 2018
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