Page 419 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 419
An area in dead ball territory designated for players, coaches, bat boys or girls, and official
representatives of the team only. There shall be no smoking in this area.
Ejection from the Game:
Ejection is the act of any umpire ordering a player, official or any team member to leave the game and
the grounds for the duration of the game. An athlete or minor partner is allowed to remain in the
dugout ONLY if there is no team representative or delegate to assist them away from the grounds.
Fair Ball:
A fair ball is a legally batted ball which
1. Settles or is touched on or over fair territory between home and first base or between home and
third base.
2. Bounds past first or third base on or over fair territory, regardless of where the ball hits after going
over the base.
Touches first, second or third base.
3. While on or over fair territory touches the person or clothing of an umpire or player.
4. First falls on fair territory beyond first and third base.
5. While over fair territory, passes out of the playing field beyond the outfield fence.
6. Hits the foul line pole on the fly.
1. A fair fly shall be judged according to the relative position of the ball and the foul line, including the
foul pole, and not as to whether the fielder is on fair or foul territory at the time of touching the
ball. It does not matter whether the ball first touches fair or foul territory, as long as it does not
touch anything foreign to the natural ground in foul territory and complies with all other aspects of
a fair ball.
2. The position of the ball at the time of interference determines whether the ball is fair or foul,
regardless if the ball rolls untouched to foul or fair territory.
Fair Territory:
Fair territory is that part of the playing field within, and including, the first and third base foul lines
from home base to the bottom of the extreme playing field fence and perpendicularly upwards.
Fake Tag:
A ‘fake tag’ is a form of obstruction on a runner, while advancing or returning to a base, by a fielder
who is not in possession of the ball, and that impedes the progress of the runner. The runner does not
have to stop or slide. Merely slowing down when a fake tag is simulated would constitute obstruction.
A fielder is any defensive player of the team on the field.
Fly Ball:
A fly ball is any ball batted into the air.
Force Out:
64 VERSION: June 2018
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