Page 426 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 426


                         SPORT RULES

                   A pitch is the act performed by the pitcher in delivering the ball to the batter.
                   Note: If the pitch becomes blocked or goes out of play, one base is awarded all runners.
            Pivot Foot:
                   The pivot foot is that foot which, when placed in contact with the pitcher’s plate by the pitcher, must
                   remain in contact with the pitcher’s plate until the pitched ball is released.
             “Play Ball.”:
               a.  "Play ball'' is the term used by the plate umpire to indicate that play shall begin or be resumed when
                   the pitcher holds the ball and is on or near the pitcher’s plate.
               b.  All defensive players, (except the catcher who must be in the catcher's box) must be in fair territory to
                   put the ball in play.

            Pre-Game Meeting:
                   The pre-game meeting is a meeting held at the home plate area, at a pre-determined time, between
                   the umpires and the head coaches/managers or team representatives of the respective teams.  This
                   meeting is held to:
                       1.  a.  Confirm and approve the line-ups of each team, and to distribute a copy to the opposition,

                       2.  Review any special ground rules that may be applicable.
                   A protest (separate from an appeal) is the action of a defensive or offensive team objecting to:
                       1.  The interpretation or application of a playing rule by an umpire, or
                       2.  The eligibility of a team roster member.

            Quick Return Pitch:
                   A quick return pitch is one made by the pitcher with the obvious attempt to catch the batter off
                   balance. This would be before the batter takes his desired position in the batter's box or while he is still
                   off balance as a result of the previous pitch.
                   Re-entry is the act of any of the starting players, returning to the game after being legally or illegally
            Removal from the Game:
                   Removal is the act of the umpire declaring a player ineligible for further participation in the game as a
                   result of an infraction of the rules, other than ejection.
                   Note: Any Athlete (or Partner in Unified) so removed may continue to sit on the bench but shall not
                   participate further in the game except as a coach.
            Replacement Player:

                71                                                                               VERSION: June 2018
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