Page 432 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 432

Softball Skills Assessment for Individuals

               Name:                                               Athlete          Partner
               Jersey Number:                                 Coach's Name:
               Team Name:                                     Evaluator's Name:
               Delegation:                                    Date of Evaluation:       /        /

               Individual Assessment for Team Play
               D. Throwing                                (Score: 1=Never; 2=Rarely; 3=Sometimes; 4=Frequently; 5=Always)
               Skill                                                                   Score
               Can properly grip a softball
               Can throw a softball accurately
               Can throw a softball with velocity
               Can throw a softball for distance (ie. From outfield to home plate)
               Knows where to throw the softball without coaching
               Has a quick release when throwing softball

                                                                 TOTAL SCORE                    0
               E. Game Awareness                          (Score: 1=Never; 2=Rarely; 3=Sometimes; 4=Frequently; 5=Always)
               Skill                                                                   Score
               Player needs frequent coaching during game (rate 1 as often & 5 as seldom)
               Player has understanding of most basic game situations
               Player can make some plays without coaching; moderate game knowledge
               Player can make most plays without coaching; advanced game knowledge
               Player required minimal coaching and is aware of in-game situations
               Player has exceptional understanding and provides in-game leadership

                                                                 TOTAL SCORE                    0

               F. Pitching (Minimum of 2 pitchers)        (Score: 1=Never; 2=Rarely; 3=Sometimes; 4=Frequently; 5=Always)
               Skill                                                                   Score
               Remains in contact with pitching rubber
               Pauses on the pitcher's plate prior to the pitch
               Can maintain a legal pitch arc
               Pitches with accuracy
               Knows the count and makes appropriate pitch selection
               Finish the pitch in fielding-ready position
               Can move from the pitcher's plate to cover bases as needed
               Makes sure team is ready prior to each pitch
               Provides direction and leadership to team while pitching

                                                                 TOTAL SCORE                    0

                              (Maximum Score for non-pitchers = 170; Maximum Score for pitchers = 215)

                     Divide TOTAL SCORE by 5 to determine OVERALL RATING; Divide by 6 for Pitchers

                                                                OVERALL RATING:                 0
   427   428   429   430   431   432   433   434   435   436   437