Page 3 - HLIF Playbook- FINAL DRAFT_FLIP
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LEAP into fitness?
Welcome to your Healthy LEAP into Fitness Playbook! The purpose of
this book is to have a place of your own to reference all of the healthy
things you learn in Healthy LEAP into Fitness. Remember- this program
is intended to challenge you to take a look at some of your own personal
habits and start to change the ones you feel are unhealthy. Keep in mind,
changes don’t happen overnight- so start by making small, successful
changes and work from there.
It is far easier to start adding positive habits than stopping negative ones!
Some suggestions:
Approach health and fitness as taking steps along a path: wellness is a
journey- each stride (action, goal met and positive thought) is another
movement in your voyage to better health!
Every day is different. Things can be easy one day, and challenging the
next. That is ok! Always do your best and remember your long term goals.
Do not beat yourself up over challenges, but make decisions and take
action to overcome them.
As you explore each lesson, also plan for some physical activity! The
Healthy LEAP into Fitness program works best when education meets ex-
perience and lessons meet physical activity.
There are lessons in this Playbook from each of our four pillars of well-
ness- emotional, nutritional, physical and social. All parts of health and
wellness work together- work on one thing at a time and enjoy your suc-
And remember, you always have your coach and teammates as a resource!
You’re on this journey together!
Get on your feet and have fun!