Page 15 - Pulse@UM Issue 1/2020
P. 15

Learning Research Ethics

        through MOHRE

        NISHAKANTHI GOPALAN                         NG CHIRK JENN
        (Department of Medicine)                    (Department of Primary Care Medicine)

 (left to right) Dr. Foong Chan Choong, Dr. Wong Kah Hui, Dr Amirah Amir

 TThey have gradually gained experience  Examples of rules include being punctual,
 on how to overcome these challenges.  limiting smartphone usage and listening
 They decided to write a guidebook ‘8 Top  when someone is speaking. Since these rules
 Tips to Facilitate Problem-Based Learning  are set by the student themselves, they will
 Among Novice Medical Students’ to share  feel more obliged to follow the rules. This   The Curriculum Development Workshop presented by Dr Sean Tackett from Johns Hopkins University during his recent
 their actual experiences. The eight top tips  practical guide aims to boost the confidence   visit to UM and was attended by MOHRE students and faculty members.
 are icebreaking, understanding roles and  of tutors and to assist them in mitigating
 positions, ground rules, keeping discussion  PBL among novice medical students.  he recent COVID-19 pandemic has  illness, are just  a few of  them. These are
 on  the  right  track,  dealing  with  different   Tshaken the world. While the front-liners  what an expert with health research ethics
 personalities and characters, teamwork,  This innovative guidebook won a bronze   battle the pandemic facing public health  qualifications will be able to address.
 gathering valid information, and giving  medal at the Teaching and Learning   challenges, there is a moral obligation for
 feedback.  In  the  guidebook,  each  tip  is  Congress and Innovation Competition   the researchers to provide rapid answers  The Master of Health Research Ethics
 elaborated using actual scenario(s), its  (kNovasi) 2020 which was held on   to deal with this global emergency. There  (MOHRE) is a unique programme that
 possible solutions and corresponding  5-6 February 2020, organised by the   are many ethical considerations involving  focuses on building capacity in health
 rationales. For instance, some students  National University of Malaysia, UKM.   research during a pandemic that are unique  research ethics, particularly in the Southeast
 might come late or may be engrossed in their   ...  and require careful examination and  Asian region. The programme is taught by a
 smartphones. At the start of the PBL sessions,   documentation. The expedited clinical trials  team of experienced and transdisciplinary
 tutors should engage students to list rules   using unproven investigational drugs with  faculty members from the University of
 that are achievable and deemed important.   the rising mortality rate and the informed  Malaya  (UM)  and  Berman Institute  of
 Every  student  has  to  agree  to  these  rules.   consent of participants in isolation or  Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University.
        quarantine, including those suffering the

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