Page 2 - Tania Chaves
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                                                                                                       • Hi I'm Tanya Chaves I'm industrial designer student currently of technology and Carlow
                                                                                                          I live in Ireland for the past 25 years The reason I have chosen this course is because I
                                                                                                          fell in love with it from the first day I saw the induction I was 16 years old when I was
                                                                                                          invited to the Carlow IT, I saw a chance of myself being a designer not only because I
                                                                                                          loved it but because I had a legacy many years before I came to Ireland my father had
                                                                                                          lost his legs during the war and many people also and it was very frustrating at the time
                                                                                                          as a child seen so many people not capable of walking or doing things with their hands
                                                                                                          because of the war it was that moment that I decided that I would want to become a
                                                                                                          designer so I could just help people who are struggling with war problems does disable
                                                                                                          and  disabilities and all of those things as the years passed by I completed my first and
                                                                                                          second year and now I'm in my third year and I find it really hard but when you love
                                                                                                          something and  believe that you can do it, you will go beyond to fulfil your dreams and I
                                                                                                          really hoping after I complete this course I can persuade career as a designer in
                                                                                                          medical Devices.I am a good listener I'm honest I enjoy it looking  at artwork In being
                                                                                                          able to contribute and give my opinion in any design,most important I enjoy quietly
                                                                                                          pushing for what is important two perspectives and feelings of others I love giving
                                                                                                          advice I enjoy communication they sharing my thoughts and ideas .

                                                                                                         Strength and values

                                                                                                         Strength and values other designer I believe dead any ideas are an opportunity for better
                                                                                                         design it's a challenge it's driven its collaboration when you know what you doing I believe
                                                                                                         the design is solving the humanities problems as a designer you always constantly bring in
                                                                                                         values exchange to SoC as a designer I believe that we need to step outside of the box not
                                                                                                         only thanking for us but thanking about others around us and that's what's the most
                                                                                                         valuable about a designer the strength of it is to understand that society needs us
                                                                                                         sometimes I get asked what does industrial design mean and my question is I understood
                                                                                                         designer it's everywhere it's around us it's a home it's in a workplace we bring value to
                                                                                                         anything because we come outside of our box to understand the necessity of humanity
                           Design is dreaming With no limits it is believing and                         what is need of us what are the key importance in order to delivery in order to understand
                           given back to the universe, Understand the needs                              the design the product in order to build better things and that's what makes US special
                                                                                                                                                                                        2ng as a team
                           of loving one another to make a better place design                           while working in college with my classmates I understood the value of worki
                                                                                                         the value of working on your own there are two simple but at the same time hard things to
                           is life                                                                       do but all of this experience lead me to understand that there is no end to designer there's
                                                                                                         no beginning oh and there's always renewal there's always new ideas there's always
                                                                                                         special things to learn and that's where we get our strength and values from our projects
                                                                                                         from our ideas for our assignments
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