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IDENTITY REPRESENTATION •Stay Within a Healthy Range
Take clinically accurate blood
The Product is represented in
Omron Identity is to create a consistent pressure readings with OMRON
brand story globally, OMRON Healthcare advertising/marketing as a positive premier precision-testing technology.
decided to take a closer look at their extension of the user in their everyday •Monitor High Blood Pressure
positioning. Together they developed lives. The messaging behind the If outside a healthy range, plan to
their vision and marketing / products representation is focused on contact your doctor if readings
communication strategy. they supported ‘YOU’ the user being in control of deviate from acceptable levels.
this step by developing their brand story ‘YOUR’ own health, wellbeing &
and creating the tools to have a unified fitness goals.
brand across the world. They helped the Track Fitness
strategically and started the conversation CONSUMPTION Set goals and monitor your daily
to reach a more mature level in brand The positioning of the product physical activity to achieve a more
associates it with a range
communication and design. active lifestyle.
of existing social practices such as
work, leisure, sport & fitness.
People who buy this product, do so
to be perceived as self aware,
active and motivated. It appeals to
them because it fits seamlessly
with their personal image, style &
daily routine.
Monitor Sleep Pattern
REGULATION Wear HeartGuide to bed to track
With the OMRON, there are no your sleep patterns and analyze how
The products form, styling, material specific Regulations or Restraints in your sleep habits affect your heart
choice & colours are all focused
around the brands target consumer its use. It is solely designed & health.
demographic. This target consumer
audience is clearly defined by the produced to be worn on the user’s •Stay Connected
advertising/marketing evidence as wrist. It only limitations include its
young professionals, male or female Set personal daily reminders and get
who wish to improve or maintain battery life (7 days) and its water notifications when you receive calls,
their healthy, active lifestyle.
resistance to a certain depth(50m). texts or emails on your smartphone.