P. 2
1. Reviewing the Literature
• Abstract of each one of chosen literature; remember, you must write three (3) abstracts.
• Main aims of each one of chosen literature; remember, you must write three (3) main
Asodike J, Onyeike V. Managing Large Classes In Developing Countries
1- The government policies don’t help much on the education, this is in line with the global
initiative for universal basic education coupled with the rapid population growth and awareness
that a literate population is more productive than an illiterate one. Experience has shown that
large classes or overcrowded classrooms affect the quality of education delivered in the school
system. Teachers find it difficult to manage and teach effectively in large classes. This article
explored the concept of large class size, its characteristics and management. The suggestions on
processes of effective teaching and evaluating learning in large classes in developing economies
like Nigeria preferred in this article will not only contribute to the existing literature but also
assist teachers in their efforts to meet the expectations of the teaching profession.
Main aims
1-Observe the difficulties on large classes
2-Review the quality in education
3-Make differences in developing and underdeveloped countries
Marais P. "We can't believe what we see": Overcrowded classrooms through the eyes of
student teachers.
2-The effects of overcrowded classrooms are far-reaching for teachers and learners. Many
parents base their decision on whether to send their child to a school on the prospective number
of learners in the child’s classroom (Mustafa, Mahmoud, Assaf, Al-Hamadi & Abdulhamid,
2014:178). All teacher training institutions ought to ascertain whether they offer appropriate
teacher training programmes that will enable student teachers to deal with the numerous
demands associated with the teaching profession, among others, teaching in overcrowded
classrooms. The aim of the research reflected in this article was to explore student teachers’
challenges when teaching in overcrowded classrooms. An exploratory research design and
qualitative research approach was chosen as the appropriate methodology for this project. Data
was collected by means of a non-compulsory written assignment set out in student teachers’
teaching practice workbooks. The theoretical frameworks used constructivist learning theory and