Page 27 - Revista científica IESBrugulat 2016/17
P. 27

By DevelopmentInduced pluripotent stem cells in
    medicine and biology
    Differentiated cells can be reprogrammed to
    pluripotency and other cell fates by treatment with
    defined factors. The discovery of induced pluripotent
    stem cells (iPSCs) has opened up unprecedented
    opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, in the       OTHER OPINIONS AND APLICATIONS
    clinic and in laboratories. In particular, the medical     NEXT THERE ARE SOME NEWS PIECES FROM OTHER
    applications of human iPSCs in disease modeling and        NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES WHICH SHOW
                                                               APPLICATIONS FOR IPS AND GIVE EXAMPLES OF HOW
    stem cell therapy have been progressing rapidly. The       THEY HAVE BEEN USED:
    ability to induce cell fate conversion is attractive not
    only for these applications, but also for basic research   TUBULAR CARDIAC TISSUES DERIVED FROM HUMAN
    fields, such as development, cancer, epigenetics and       INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS GENERATE PULSE
                                                               PRESSURE IN VIVO
    (…)                                                        HUMAN INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM (IPS) CELL-
    Since the first report in 1998, human ESCs have been       DERIVED CARDIAC CELLS PROVIDE THE POSSIBILITY TO
    expected to be key for the treatment of intractable        FABRICATE CARDIAC TISSUES FOR TRANSPLANTATION.
                                                               HOWEVER, IT REMAINS UNCLEAR HUMAN
    diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and spinal cord      BIOENGINEERED CARDIAC TISSUES FUNCTION AS A
    injury (Thomson et al., 1998). However, the use of         FUNCTIONAL PUMP IN VIVO. HUMAN IPS CELLS
    human ESCs faces several hurdles, including ethical        INDUCED TO CARDIOMYOCYTES IN SUSPENSION WERE
                                                               CULTURED ON TEMPERATURE-RESPONSIVE DISHES TO
    concerns about using human embryos and scientific          FABRICATE CARDIAC CELL SHEETS. TWO PAIRS OF
    concerns about immune rejection after                      TRIPLE-LAYERED SHEETS WERE TRANSPLANTED TO
    transplantation. iPSC technology has the potential to      WRAP AROUND THE INFERIOR VENA CAVA (IVC) OF
    overcome these issues.                                     NUDE RATS. AT 4 WEEKS AFTER TRANSPLANTATION,
                                                               INNER PRESSURE CHANGES IN THE IVC WERE
    In 2007, the proof of concept of the therapeutic use of    SYNCHRONIZED WITH ELECTRICAL ACTIVATIONS OF THE
    iPSCs was reported for the mouse model of sickle-cell      GRAFT. UNDER 80 PULSES PER MINUTE ELECTRICAL
    anemia, a genetic blood disorder caused by a defect in     STIMULATION, THE INNER PRESSURE CHANGES AT 8
    the β-globin gene (Hanna et al., 2007). Gene correction    WEEKS INCREASED TO 9.1 ± 3.2 MMHG, WHICH WERE
                                                               ACCOMPANIED BY INCREASES IN THE BASELINE INNER
    by homologous recombination in a mutant iPSC line,         PRESSURE OF THE IVC. IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL
    followed by transplantation into mutant mice, cured        ANALYSIS REVEALED THAT 0.5-MM-THICK CARDIAC
    the disease. This was a perfect model for iPSC-            TROPONIN T-POSITIVE CARDIAC TISSUES, WHICH
    mediated regenerative medicine: diseases caused by         CONTAINED ABUNDANT HUMAN MITOCHONDRIA,
                                                               WERE CLEARLY ENGRAFTED LAMELLAR AROUND THE
    single gene defects can be addressed by made-to-           IVC AND SURROUNDED BY VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR-
    order gene replacement in autologous cells.                POSITIVE CAPILLARY VESSELS. THE MRNA EXPRESSION
    Compared with allografts from other donors, the iPSC-      OF SEVERAL CONTRACTILE PROTEINS IN CARDIAC
                                                               TISSUES AT 8 WEEKS IN VIVO WAS SIGNIFICANTLY
    based autologous method is advantageous in that the        UPREGULATED COMPARED WITH THOSE AT 4 WEEKS. WE
    risk of immunological rejection, transmission of           SUCCEEDED IN GENERATING PULSE PRESSURE BY
    unidentified viruses or other forms of infection is        TUBULAR HUMAN CARDIAC TISSUES IN VIVO. THIS
    negligible (Araki et al., 2013; Guha et al., 2013).        TECHNOLOGY MIGHT LEAD TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A
                                                               BIOENGINEERED HEART ASSIST PUMP.
    Realistically, however, using autologous iPSCs from
    each individual would be associated with high medical      BY NATURE
    costs. In addition, because more than 3 months are
    needed to generate iPSCs using the current methods,
    the effective treatment of some disorders, such as
    spinal cord injury, cannot be achieved within the
    necessary timeframe.

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