Page 73 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 73
Alfred Rosenberg
son of a whore, son of an obscene animal, the Hanged One, son of
an adulteress and of the menstruating woman (Rabbi Akiba), and,
to crown it all, the "dead dog buried in a dung-heap". 122
Even in hell the rabbi thinks up a punishment for Christ
such as only a frightful hatred can invent: Jesus is "punished there
with boiling excrement" (Gittin 57a).
However, along with the Talmud, the Jews possess another
work developed from it and devoted to Christ which was distributed
throughout Jewry in thousands of manuscripts: the Toledot Yeshu
(Life of Christ) "which was not printed but written in Hebrew cipher
and which Jews read secretly at home on Christmas eve", as it says
in an old book.
These different Toledot Yeshu's now narrate, in a great
number of versions, the life of Christ. Here a few highlights that
repeat themselves may be set out.
Miriam (Mary) was the fiancee of a man of the royal family
called Jokanan. He was a great scholar and feared god very much.
Joseph, the son of Panthera, lived near Mary and cast his eyes on
her. On one Sabbath evening he had drunk very much and, as he
passed by her house door, he went in to her. She said that she was
menstruating and asked him to go away. But he did not go away,
slept with her, and she became pregnant. When this was rumoured
around, the betrothed Jokanan was very distressed and travelled to
Babylon. But Mary gave birth to a son who was given the name
Jesus studied the Talmud, was schooled in the Torah, and
was an arrogant man. The villain went to the rabbis with head held
high and an uncovered head and greeted nobody. Then a rabbi said:
"He is a bastard" and another added: "And the son of a menstruating
When he heard that, Jesus was horrified by the insult
regarding his birth, went to his mother and requested her to tell him
the truth: "Tell me the truth that I may not misbehave with you, for
I cannot pay heed to a whorish woman". Now, since Mary did not
want her shame to be admitted, Jesus forced her to it. According to
Zohar. Przcmysi. 1880, 111,282a.