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P. 22

Writer’s Perspective

            The “Perfect Eighteen” is regarded as a major accomplishment in sports when considering there have
            only been four perfect rounds achieved since 1959.  It may be considered even more of an
            accomplishment when comparing the challenge to other sports and their ultimate barometer of
            perfection.  Which is why this writer believes that any player that achieves the feat of a “Perfect 18”
            should receive an automatic induction into the PPA Hall of Fame.

            Below is the reason.

            When considering perfection, perfection in the PGA or LPGA would be a 54 (a birdie on every hole for
            a par 72), yet that has yet to be attained.  However, there have been 12 rounds below 60 since the
            beginning of the PGA tour in 1929.  On the LPGA tour, which started in 1950, there has been one
            round under 60.  The Professional Bowlers Association was established in 1958 - one year before the
            PPA.  The first televised PBA 300 game was on April 1, 1967 by Jack Biondollilo in the Firestone
            Tournament of Champions, since then – there have been 29 additional perfect games during the
            televised matches.  Professional baseball was established in 1876 with 304 no-hit games recognized;
            however, of the 304, 23 were considered “perfect” games.  The four-minute mile was the milestone for
            running until Roger Bannister accomplished it in 1954, now the feat has been accomplished over 1400

            Compared to other sports, there are a limited number of players that have played in the PPA; however,
            of the thousands of professional rounds played throughout the country since the beginning of the PPA
            in 1959, only four players have attained perfection – the rarely attained accomplishment places the
            achievement at the peak of challenging feats and deserves the status of a Hall of Fame measure.

            Thank you to Steve Morris, Rick Baird, Greg Newport, John Napoli, Jimmy Harritos, Joe Marazzito,
            Joe Aboid, Dale Fuhr, Mike Pfeiffer and Dan Weidl for your time and contribution with providing
            detailed information.  I enjoyed my many conversations with each of you and value our friendship.  I
            apologize for any inaccuracies.

            Next edition of the PPA/APA Tour Magazine will include a special feature about a National Champion
            that feels it should never have happened.  There will also be some insight to the upcoming PPA
            Invitational in Burlington, NC on June 5/6 and the history of the PPA Invitational.
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