P. 21

I then began to think about myself and
my mind opened. My thoughts and
questions wandered around and
deepened. I looked around and saw a
mixture of people
s emotions. Some
people felt exactly the same as me and
saw the opportunity to experience
something new at the airport, while
others found themselves stuck in the
middle of a mental breakdown from the
airport chaos and delay - those I did not
want to end up like. Without hesitation, I
got up and went to the first coffee shop I
found in the unbelievably crowded
airport. I was drinking my desired cup of
coffee, watching the arriving and
departing aircrafts, and observing
passing passengers, whilst thinking.
From time to time I found myself
catching a short conversation with the
waiter, the people sitting next to me, or
in response to a random person who said
. My point? When you are in an
unknown place just by yourself and you
have to face the world, it is the time you
discover the most of yourself.
You meet yourself in different places,
and different situations and you see
yourself reacting and acting. You gain
experiences, you realise what you like,
what you want, whom you want to
have in your life, who you are, and
most importantly whom you want to
Traveling will always have some
surprises in store for you that will help
you learn something about yourself.
By the end, you realise that you have
experienced something rare. You
experienced the encounter of
As English novelist David Mitchells
“Travel far enough, you meet
” That is exactly what I
unintentionally did and something I
will always do in my life when I feel
like I need to. Whether it is for a
weekend, or for a year, every journey
counts. Simply, when you don
't know
what you want or are lost in who you
are, just go away, find it, and return or
stay wherever you feel like your true
self. Take action, travel as much as you
can, and meet the most honest version
of yourself that simply feels like you.

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