Page 9 - PLP_September_Primary
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This year has been a rollercoaster of emotions but at the same time it was
an amazing experience! My absolute favourite time was when we learned about WW2 and how it changed society and many people’s lives. I also loved reading ‘The Boy Called Christmas’ and ‘Letters From The Lighthouse’. Kip did really
have a horrible time for a while. Olive’s adventures at Budmouth point hopefully never ended. I really hated it when we had to stay home for quarantine and had class on zoom because I couldn’t see my lovely teachers and friends in person.
At least that all changed and we were allowed back to school. I really appreciate all the teachers who taught me this year, especially Miss Esther. When times were hard during DLP she always managed to keep our spirits up and made us smile and laugh. — Lilly Hohmann 6E
A trip down memory lane!
Y6 pupil(s) prepare a short article talking about their memories at PL (Pupils who have been at PL since EYFS/KS1) 2 or
3 pupils.
I remember making our own book in Year 2 and learning all about the Stone Age. I also remember when I read Neill Armstrong’s diary because a teacher lent it to me and ever since then I never wanted to even think about flying to the moon ( I learnt all the things that happen to you there and how hard it all actually is). — Noah Ilincev 6K
I loved all the marvelous teachers that I had in the past years.I also appreciated all my friends that helped me go through the past years. I really enjoyed check your Czech days that we will unfortunately not have anymore. — Kuba Solc 6K
The most important memory to me was, when we got to meet all of our teachers: Miss Laura, Miss Nicky and Miss Amy, Mr Stuart, Miss Maria and Miss Kerry. From Year 5 my favourite memory was Miss Ma- ria standing on a table and explaining what the Battle of the Roses was and what Lord Stuart did. In Year 4 the most astounding joke we had as a class was when Mr Stuart explained to Honzik what perimeter was and that it was practically an ant walk-
ing around something. During the Year 3 residential, how Kuba and the others went through the windows instead of the doors and how the curtains in Kuba’s room fell. And last but not least, how in Year 2 we as a class were all united and just developed through the years. — Kacka Tesarova 6K
September 2021
2020-2021 Highlights of Y6 09 Surviving Y6 top tips
Being in Year 6 meant walking up at least 300 steps a day! It may not sound that much, but trust me, I am not joking. It was a killer. After break and lunch you have to go all the way upstairs. So you need to take it slowly and drink lots of water. — Matias Cheminade
You have SATS and CEM tests in Year 6. It creeps up on you so I would suggest that you practise all the Y6 subjects from the beginning of the year – read a lot, listen to the teacher when she teaches you about grammar and use Target Your Maths to practise. I felt less stressed about the tests because I had been preparing for them all year. — Nora Dudo
Just enjoy Y6, the last year of primary school, because it goes really fast.
I cannot believe it. I would like to do it all over again. — Kian Ono
Personal goals for Y7
One of the biggest and challenging goals I will try to accomplish is I’m going to try to be organised and keep on track. Another very important goal I will try
to accomplish is that I will remember all of my teachers surnames which is going to be pretty hard since we are going to get a different teacher for each subject. — Daniela Bicikova 6K
I need to be more organised and have more necessary class things.I need to pay attention in class more and put in more effort. I’d like to write faster and draw better in art. — Dastan D 6K
My personal goals for year 7 are: to challenge myself in Maths and P.E; be the best footballer in the year; make friends with all 16 new children coming to this school; be more independent and earn a reward at the Awards Ceremony. — Rafael Holubec 6K
I would like to read a million words and improve my spelling. – Mateo Hrubý 6E My main two goals to improve on
in year seven is to read more and
to work more time efficiently and faster. — Fabian Šetlík 6E

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