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Flux Brush       Liquid Safety Flux  Cutting Oil    Grinder and Saw    Heat Resistant Work Surface        STAINED GLASS
              Use to apply flux to   For copper foil   Prolongs cutter   Coolant     12” X 12” Work surface is perfect for
              copper foil projects.   projects. Easy and   blade life.   Prolongs diamond   copper foiling.
              Can also be used   safe to use.   4 OZ              bits and blade life.  692
              to apply patina to   8 OZ         675OIL            8 OZ
              soldered projects.  675FLUX                         675COOLANT

                                Studio Pro ™  Tool Caddy
                                Our Studio Pro  tool caddy is designed
                                for organizing, storing and transporting
                                stained glass tools and accessories.
                                Made with high-density ABS plastics,
              Hobby 100         this caddy has deep compartments
              Soldering Iron    to safely house tools, supplies and
              Stand             loose parts. Comfort grip handle
                                for easy transport.
              For use with the Hobby
              100  soldering iron.  856050
              679HST                                                                                                     15
                                                                  Studio Pro Copper Foil
                                                                                        Attaches securely to glass edge and
                                                                                        corners to provide a smooth, uniform solder
                                                                                        bead. Unique “Easy Pull” plastic dispenser
                                                                                        makes for trouble-free application
                                                                                        and storage.
                                                                                        3/8” Copper   1/4” Silver-lined Copper
                                                                                        678        682
                                                                                        1/4” Copper   7/32” Silver-lined Copper
                                                                                        680        683
                                                                                        7/32” Copper   1/4” Black-lined Copper
                                                                                        681        684
                                                                                        3/16” Copper   7/32” Black-lined Copper
              Finishing       Copper Patina   Black Patina                              690        685
              Compound        Creates a bright   Gives a beautiful black   Studio Pro Solder
              Polishes and waxes   copper finish on   finish to solder and
              glass projects for a   solder and lead.  came projects.   Hobbyists need a very specific mix of alloys in solder to get a smooth,
              professional finish.  8 OZ      8 OZ                clean solder bead. Studio Pro™ offers five distinctive solder mixes,
              12 OZ           6758            6757                available in one pound spools.
              6756                                                50/50 - 50% Tin/50% Lead
                                Stained Glass Cement
                                                                  63/37 - 63% Tin/37% Lead
                                Black cement strengthens, hardens and   675633716
                                weatherproofs  leaded             63/37 Thin Wire - 63% Tin/37% Lead                    STAINED GLASS
                                stained glass.                    6756337TW
                                1 LB                              Lead Free - Tin/Copper
                                6759                              675LF
                                                                  60/40 - 60% Tin/40% Lead
 Find a store at or call 800-937-9593   Indicates items sold by Diamond Tech distributors only.
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