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             People’s Diplomacy, Inter-Sectoral Water Management and

             Decision Making

             An Ethical Imperative                              will handle the situation within its sovereign powers. Governments
                                                                can, however, take advantage of the experience gained in other
             Water management and transboundary water cooperation affect   countries and of the good practices tested in real circumstances.
             people’s needs and rights, giving rise to legitimate concerns that   Although no two situations are exactly the same, several basic
             have to be respected. Moreover, water projects require a careful   features have to be taken into account in almost all cases.
             consideration of the needs of different sectors of society so that
             effective and sustainable policy decisions are made.   The government should take an active approach and assist in
                                                                dialogues involving all stakeholders, including importantly,
             The recent Budapest Water Summit (2016) declared that water is   civil society organizations and the affected citizens, without a
             an ethical imperative. This is an important statement of principle.   priori imposing solutions. Both mechanisms and solutions have
             The increasing water-related vulnerabilities that we face require   to emerge as a result of genuinely participatory processes that
             urgent responses. There is no doubt of the need to effectively   involve all the legitimate stakeholders. It is also important that
             secure the human right to safe, clean, accessible and affordable   all legal requirements are respected and that all other aspects of
             drinking water and sanitation. Existing water scarcity, as well   legitimacy in the process, such as the representative character of
             as the future likelihood for additional problems of accessibility   participants, and the fair and equal treatment of all participants
             and availability of safe drinking water, underscores its ethical   in the process are observed. The Aarhus Convention on Access
             dimension. In other words, the right to water is a human right.   to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in
             This ethical imperative also includes the responsibility of policy   Environmental Matters, adopted  in  1998,  has  set  important
             makers to ensure the health of ecosystems and the maintenance   standards that help in the conduct of such processes and should
             of biological process in nature beyond immediate human needs.   inspire governments in the exercise of their responsibilities.

             Water Governance                                   Technical information and environmental and social impact
                                                                assessments must be scientifically sound for the proposed
             Water resources and their governance are closely intertwined   solutions to be fully credible.
             with other resource governance systems, especially those
             related to energy, land use and food production, and often   And  above  all,  the  process  needs  to  be  transparent  so  that
             face trade-offs. These challenges to water policy making are   trust is developed among the participants. The primary
             recognized through the concepts of water security, the water-  importance of the political aspect of the process must not be
             energy-food nexus, Integrated Water Resources Management,   neglected since unresolved water issues tend to crystallize
             and adaptive water governance.                     broader dissatisfaction and revolt, which makes these situations
                                                                inherently political and to which particular attention should
             It is important for States to responsibly exercise their sovereign   be paid. What is most often needed is citizen diplomacy, a
             rights in managing their natural resources. Governments are   process that engages representatives of local communities, civil
             responsible for regulation and the actual management of water.   society and professional organizations, as well as businesses,
             This fundamental principle of sovereignty has to be respected,   in communication and negotiation with governments. Ideally,
             but at the same time, it is important that best practices in water   this communication and negotiation should amount to genuine
             management are studied and compared internationally, and that   popular participation in the policy making process, as well
             international cooperation  among  sovereign  States,  including   in  key  decisions  relating  to  large-scale  water  projects.  Such
             their cooperation within the relevant international organizations,   participation would provide a genuine link between water
             is developed further.                              governance and human rights.
             The problems of inter-sectoral water management are not new   Education is a fundamental requirement of good water
             and in some areas, practical experience has already generated   governance. Governments should appreciate  the  importance
             guidelines to inspire future decision making. One of the classic   of  water  education  as  a  key  factor  in  the  establishment  and
             examples is the relationship between water and mining. Both   maintenance of adequate and sustainable use and consumption
             historically and presently, mining operations, especially those   of water. Education is discussed here in the broadest sense
             undertaken  by  large  transnational  companies,  have  spurred   – not only as information gathering, but also as responsible
             social and environmental conflicts, and in several cases, pointed   dissemination and conscious acquisition of knowledge and the
             the way towards solutions.                         effort to stimulate the necessary behavioral changes.

             Since most of these experiences are taking place within the   All this constitutes a tall order and much depends on the nature
             boundaries of a single state, it is expected that the government   and  quality  of  the  country’s governance  in general,  as  well

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