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A Matter of Survival

             of blue. Moreover, innovation is encouraged by experience and   funding sources, and the responsibility of public finance would
             recent developments in financial markets provide many ideas for   be limited to defaults, which are exceptional occurrences rather
             creating resources to finance water cooperation projects. Only   than substantial project funding. Several funds at the national
             twenty years ago, it was impossible to secure significant funding   and multinational level have offered loan guarantees that lower
             for  environmentally  sustainable  projects.  Today,  green  bonds   investment risks based on ESG principles or by co-investing in
             and green syndicated loans are popular in developed as well as   projects to attract other investors to participate by lowering the
             emerging capital markets. If green could become popular in the   risk perception.
             long term, why not blue, even if there is resistance in the short
             term?                                              It is known that ESG data collection, analysis, modeling and
                                                                information sharing is a key factor in the development of these
             Towards a Blue Peace Framework                     financial products and innovations since the availability of quality
                                                                data is instrumental in analyzing and properly calculating risks.
             There is a growing momentum towards the shaping of a   This is a key area of work for the insurance and re-insurance
             sustainable financial system, which incorporates environmental,   sector, and the critical third pillar in risk-reducing practices for
             social and governance factors – the ESG principles.   investments related to public goods.

             Rating agencies have begun to incorporate ESG principles   Thus, while primary project funding can come from the private
             into their methodologies, thus developing sustainable finance   sector and financial markets, public sources can reduce project
             capital markets, where debt and equity can be raised, bought   risks through low cost initiatives such as sovereign guarantees,
             and sold. This implies incorporating non-financial information   interest and premium subsidies through blue funds. This blue
             into the plans of capital providers. Therefore, those who believe   fund concept is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
             in the ESG approach are interested in a shade of green and not
             only the black color of the balance sheets. Although financial   Joint Investment Plans
             instruments based on ESG principles are a niche product, they
             already represent substantial volumes of capital. From 2012 to   Innovation is the key to developing financial resources for
             2016, a significant amount of funds worldwide, close to $100   transboundary water cooperation. Countries in West Africa and
             billion according to rough estimates provided by media reports,   Central America are already ahead of the curve in crafting joint
             were raised through green bonds.                   investment instruments in transboundary rivers basins. The
                                                                Trifinio Plan in Central America, the Niger Basin Plan and the Joint
             Green bonds have been employed by water sector companies   Investment Plans of the Senegal and Gambia River Basins are
             to create water installations using ecological principles, though   endorsed at the heads of state level. There may be other inspiring
             not without controversy. Thus, the use of special financial   examples of Joint Investment Plans, but the Panel had first-hand
             instruments for water infrastructure projects, which comply   exposure to these plans during our visits to these two regions.
             with ESG principles, is already established and available to
             international financial markets.                   Joint Investment Plans are not easy since they have to overcome
                                                                sectoral and national objectives, but they are attractive to
             The next step in the greening process would be to expand the   multilateral financial institutions  due to  their risk reduction
             ESG framework to include the Blue Peace framework, which   properties. These Joint Investment Plans can mobilize significant
             emphasizes transboundary water cooperation to transform   funding from the financial sector, if they are communicated
             water from a source of conflict to an instrument of peace. The   properly to the private sector, and guaranteed by both
             framework needs sustainable and collaborative management of   governments and multilateral institutions.
             water projects by riparian countries. If countries reach political
             agreements within the Blue Peace framework, several risks are   The Panel believes that if interventions are sequenced correctly,
             lessened, including project delay risks, cost escalation and   and political and financial wills come together, Joint Investment
             legal disputes over infrastructure, as mentioned earlier in this   Plans may become a reality in the near future, and should be
             chapter.                                           given monetary value.

             Since capital markets search for favorable risk reduction   This will also be possible due to new technological developments,
             strategies, it is important to influence investors to expand the   allowing the collection and analysis of data to define and share
             existing  ESG  framework  to  include  the  Blue  Peace  framework   future-oriented  water  availability  models.  These  models  are
             wherever applicable. It will not be easy to make this an established   already jointly developed in several mountainous regions of
             strategy, but it was not easy to make the original green financing   the  world  and  need  to  be  shaped  alongside  politically-driven
             idea acceptable twenty years ago. An encouraging sign is the   agreements. Based on these models and with the support of
             significant funds that have been raised in the last five years.  data, investment plans can take shape.
             The ESG for Blue Peace can be made even more attractive if   Even if partners do not strictly abide by the plans, having a Joint
             countries provided sovereign guarantees and if multilateral   Investment Plan in place is better than having no plan at all. The
             financial institutions agreed to special pledges. This would   international community should be prepared to initially accept
             reduce the dependence of water cooperation activities on public   the risk – high indeed – that plans might not be followed by

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