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The Vision
 Commercial Retail and Services  Highway Services  The vision of the El Tule Master Plan is to create a   the context of the site’s natural and distinct resources.
 LandDesign, Inc.
            special place for people seeking a unique place to    The unique physical and vegetative characteristics of
            live, work and recreate. The 590 hectare property is   the site form the opportunity to create a community
            planned to be a complete lifestyle community offering   responsive to nature in its design. A community lifestyle
            a range of home types, recreation, commercial uses,   can be created where neighborhoods are formed by the
            community services, educational and worship facilities   natural attributes of the site.
            and employment opportunities to accommodate a
            broad variety of lifestyles. El Tule has the opportunity   El Tule is a living park. The natural environment
            to become one of the great master planned             establishes the framework and connectivity of the
            communities in Baja. The advantage of the master      community. El Tule is envisioned as a unique place to
            planned community concept is that it allows for smart   live where neighborhoods are nestled into the natural
            growth not enjoyed by typical large resort projects.    environment. The vision is to rescue and reuse the
            Infrastructure such as roads, potable water, sanitary   natural vegetation thereby creating neighborhoods that
 Parks  Elementary Schools  sewer, community improvements and services are   bring together the old and new.  The many trees and
            designed with foresight and phased as real estate     cardons that exist on the property for many decades
            market demand requires in a cost-effective manner.    will be placed in nurseries and located in key areas of
            The size of the El Tule project site lends itself to   neighborhoods creating a feeling that neighborhoods
            bringing the many necessary and varied elements of    have been there for a long time. Natural arroyos
            a new residential community together, as does the     will be respected and used to define the layout of
            ideal location, scenic resources and the very positive   neighborhoods.
 Entertainment/  retirement and residential market.               Walking, jogging and bicycle connectivity of
 Cultural/Social Activities  The demand for all types of housing is great today and   neighborhoods is a principal community design feature.

            growing in Los Cabos. Demographic projections show    Multi-purpose community trails will connect unique
            the need for a wide variety of housing, from primary or   themed parks. Major parks will be programmed with
            second homes to active adult and retirement housing.   neighborhood events to invite social interaction among
            Projected housing needs for renters, first time buyers,   the residents.
            young family, “move-up” buyers and executives is      This unique approach will distinguish El Tule within the
            also growing. El Tule will offer a carefully conceived   regional market place and will provide added value to
 Neighborhood Commercial  range of housing products and price levels bringing all   investors, developers, and home owners.
            types of people together to share their community.
            Another advantage of the master planned community     The following pages provide an introduction to the
            is the ability to identify significant natural resources   individual components of the El Tule master planned
            and preserve and enhance those resources as large,    community.
            cohesive and permanent open space areas. Arroyos,
            hills and habitat areas are key components of the plan.

            The planning for El Tule was undertaken with the
            purpose of creating a master planned community within

 Highway Oriented Commercial
 Community Recreation Facilities

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