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How to Get More Funding through                          The Chairman of The European Institute
        Collaborations? How to Connect with                      of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
        PolyU Communications to Boost                            Governing Board Visits PolyU

        Date                                                     Date
          30 Nov 2017                                              10-12 Jan 2018

          Abstract                                                  Speaker

        To  encourage  PolyU’s  multidisciplinary  co-operations  and   •  Professor Peter Olesen, Chairman of The European
        thus  to  boost  more  high-impact  research  collaborations   Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
        among  universities,  industry  and  the  government,  ITDO   Governing Board
        organized a  gathering to  share  different cases  on  how and
        what collaborative platforms and projects ITDO have worked
        on,  how  to  tap  different  funding  opportunities    with  PolyU   Abstract
        members. ITDO also introduced his upcoming move and more
        channels  to  facilitate  communications  and  collaborations   Invited  by  ITDO,  Professor  Peter  Olesen  visited  PolyU  to
        with the PolyU communities.                              explore  the  possibility  in  conducting  translational  research
                                                                 across various disciplines with PolyU and foster international
                                                                 partnerships  to  in  maximizing  synergies  in  innovation  and
                                                                 technology.  PolyU  experts  participated  in  the  exchange
                                                                 meetings to share the University’s accomplishment in R&D,
                                                                 on-going  private  and  public  partnerships  and  innovative
                                                                 projects with substantive impacts.
                                                                 ITDO  also  organized  a  tour  visit  to  the  University  Research
                                                                 Facility  in  3D  Printing,  Fibre  Composites  Workshop,  Digital
                                                                 Manufacturing Workshop, Aviation Services Research Centre,
                                                                 Research  Facility  in  Life  Sciences,  Food  Safety,  Health  and
                                                                 Social  Sciences  was  also  arranged  to  showcase  PolyU’s
                                                                 latest R&D in various fields and to stimulate the development
                                                                 of new technology-based industries.

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