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The Secretary of FAO/WHO Codex                           BICI (HK) Collaborative Research
        Alimentarius Commission Visits PolyU                     Program – R&D Funding Scheme

        Date                                                     Date
          6 Nov 2018                                               28  Nov 2018

           Speaker                                                  Speaker

          •  Mr. Tom Heilandt, Secretary of FAO/WHO Codex          •  Dr. Li Chun An, Vice President of BICI
            Alimentarius Commission

                                                                 ITDO  has  invited  The  Beijing  Institute  of  Collaborative
        Invited  by  ITDO,  Mr.  Tom  Heilandt  visited  PolyU  to  explore   Innovation (Hong Kong), namely as BICI (HK), to hold a briefing
        collaboration opportunity with PolyU and foster international   session  to  PolyU  members  to  share  their  latest  funding
        partnerships  to  in  maximizing  synergies  in  innovation  and   program as well as application procedures, that brings in more
        technology.                                              collaboration opportunities and funding for research projects.
        Mr.  Heilandt  was  invited  to  give  a  lecture  titled  “Codex   BICI (HK) has launched the Collaborative Research Program
        Alimentarius – Protecting Health, Facilitating Trade” to share   since  2016.  Local  universities  and  research  institutions  are
        how  Codex  protects  consumer  health  and  facilitates  fair   invited  to  submit  potential collaborative  research  proposals
        food  trade  through  development  of  harmonized  standards,   in areas of Intelligent Manufacturing, Flexible and Micronano
        guidelines, and codes of practice, and promotes coordination   Electronics,  Energy  Materials,  Water  Treatment,  Medical
        of stakeholders.                                         Instruments and Diagnostic Technologies as well as Modern
                                                                 Pharmaceutical and Biotechnologies, etc.
        An exchange meeting and lab visit with PolyU’s Food Safety
        Consortium (FSC) and Food Safety & Technology Research
        Centre  (FSTRC)  to  highlight  the  university’s  research
        excellence  in  food  safety  area  which  we  have  acquired  a
        critical mass of faculty expertise, on-going private and public
        partnerships and innovative projects with substantive impacts
        were introduced.

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