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                                            dental materials 3 3 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 944–953
        Table 3 – Modified USPHS criteria for direct clinical evaluation (van Dijken [44]).
        Anatomical form
                                                             Slightly under- or over-contoured restoration; marginal ridges slightly
                                                             undercontoured; contact slightly open (may be self-correcting);
                                                             occlusal height reduced locally
                                                             Restoration is undercontoured, dentin or base exposed; contact is
                                                             faulty, not self-correcting; occlusal height reduced; occlusion affected
                                                             Restoration is missing partially or totally; fracture of tooth structure;
                                                             shows traumatic occlusion; restoration causes pain in tooth or
                                                             adjacent tissue
        Marginal adaptation
                                                             Restoration is contiguous with existing anatomic form, explorer does
                                                             not catch
                                                             Explorer catches, no crevice is visible into which explorer will
                                                             Crevice at margin, enamel exposed
                                                             Obvious crevice at margin, dentin or base exposed
                                                             restoration mobile, fractured or missing
                                                             Very good color match
        Color match
                                                             Good color match
                                                             Slight mismatch in color, shade or translucency
                                                             Obvious mismatch, outside the normal range
                                                             Gross mismatch
                                                             No discoloration evident
                                                             Slight staining, can be polished away
                                                             Obvious staining can not be polished away
                                                             Gross staining
        Surface roughness
                                                             Smooth surface
                                                             Slightly rough or pitted
                                                             Rough, cannot be refinished
                                                             Surface deeply pitted, irregular grooves
                                                             No evidence of caries contiguous with the margin of the restoration
                                                             Caries is evident contiguous with the margin of the restoration
       female participants. Sixteen participants were estimated as
                                                              main disadvantages is that polymerization after light irra-
       having high caries risk and nineteen showed mild to severe
                                                              diation never is completed and continues at least another
       parafunctional habits during the observation period. Five of
                                                              24 hours. Uncured comomoners and additives released by
       seven caries lesions were observed in high caries risk par-
                                                              diffusion through dentin into the pulp and by saliva, will
       ticipants and eight of eleven fractures (cusp and material)
                                                              remain in the surrounding tissues and become bioavailable for
       occurred in bruxing participants.
                                                              metabolism [14]. Apart from the elution of residual monomers
                                                              and additives immediately after placement, diverse chem-
                                                              ical reactions like solvolysis (enzymatical), hydrolysis, and
                                                              alcoholysis as well as physical processes like wear and ero-
                                                              sion promote a constant disintegration and dissolution of
                                                              resin polymers. TEGDMA and HEMA are probably the two
       Dental resin composites are complex mixed materials, which
                                                              co-monomers that contribute most to the severe cytotoxic
       consist of an organic polymerizable matrix, reinforcing fillers,
                                                              effects and allergic reactions. [18,42,48]. Reichl et al showed
       a silane coupling agent and various additives. One of their  The restoration is contiguous with tooth anatomy
        Table 4 – Not-acceptable restorations and reasons for failure during the 6 years follow up. cmf = cmf/els, ASE = AdheSE
        One F/els, RC = resin composite.
                                       1 year      2 year     3 year      4 year      5 year      6 year   Total                                                   dental materials 3 3 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 944–953                       949
                                     cmf   ASE   cmf  ASE   cmf   ASE   cmf   ASE   cmf   ASE   cmf   ASE
        RC fracture                         1     1           1    2                 2     1           1     9
        RC fracture and caries                                                 2                2            4                      Table 5 – Scores for the evaluated posterior restorations at baseline (139), 3 years (137) and 6 years (135) of the cmf/els
                                                                                                                                    (cmf) and AdheSE One F/els (ASE) restorations given as relative frequencies (%).
        Caries                                          1                      1           1           1     4
        Cusp fracture                       1                            2     1                             4                                                                    0            1            2           3          4
        Cumulative absolute frequencies  0  2     1     3     2    5     4     9     6     11   8     13     21                     Anatomical form          cmf baseline        94.4          7.3         0           0
        Cumulative relative frequencies (%)  0  3.0  1.4  4.5  2.8  7.7  5.7  13.9  8.6   16.9  11.4  20.0                                                   ASE baseline        97.0          3.0         0           0
                                                                                                                                                             cmf 3 years         97.2          1.4         0           1.4
                                                                                                                                                             ASE 3 years         92.3          1.5         0           6.2
                                                                                                                                                             cmf 6 years         94.3          0           0           5.7
       by diffusion through dent in into the   ring-opening polymerization process   al showed that of several investigated                                  ASE 6 years         83.1          3.0         0           13.9
       pulp and by saliva, will remain in the   which reduced the volume shrinkage   adhesive systems, cmf used in this             Marginal adaptation      cmf baseline       100            0           0            0           0
       surrounding tissues and become       to less than 1%. A meta-analysis of 11   study was the only adhesive which did                                   ASE baseline       100            0           0            0           0
       bioavailable for metabolism  . Apart   clinical studies showed acceptable   not release HEMA and TEGDMA. They                                         cmf 3 years         95.8          2.8         0            0           1.4
       from the elution of residual         performance for the silorane-based   reported that the above discussed                                           ASE 3 years         90.8          1.5         1.5          1.5         4.7
       monomersand additives immediately    material and similarly to methacrylate-  silorane adhesive system released                                       cmf 6 years         82.9         11.4         0 7.7       15 0         5.7
                                                                                                                                                             ASE 6 years
       after placement, diverse chemical    based resin composites  . The        both HEMAand TEGDMA. This resin
       reactions like solvolysis (enzymatical),   authors concluded that low     composite system was recently                      Color match              cmf baseline        26.4         69.4          4.2         0 0         0 0
                                                                                                                                                             ASE baseline
       hydrolysis, and alcoholysis as well as   polymerization was not the most   withdrawn from the market. Reichl et                                       cmf 3 years         23.9         71.7          4.3         0           0
       physical processes like wear and     important factor deciding the clinical   al concluded that cmf can be used as                                    ASE 3 years         19.7         73.8          6.5         0           0
       erosion promote a constant           effectiveness of a resin composite   adhesive system for patients with                                           cmf 6 years         21.2         72.7          6.1         0           0
       disintegration and dissolution of resin   system in posterior cavities. It has   diagnosed allergies for HEMA and/or                                  ASE 6 years         13.5         73.0         13.5         0           0
       polymers. TEGDMA and HEMA are        been suggested for many years that   TEGDMA. Mine et al.   reported that                Marginal                 cmf baseline       100            0            0           0
       probably the two co-monomers that    stress generation at tooth/resin     the adhesive showed good                           discoloration            ASE baseline       100            0            0           0
       contribute most to the severe        composite interfaces and the resulting   microtensile bond strength to enamel,                                   cmf 3 years         95.8          2.8          1.4         0
       cytotoxic effects and allergic       interfacial deficiencies remain one of   but significantly lower to dentin                                       ASE 3 years         95.1          3.3         12.1         0 0
                                                                                                                                                             cmf 6 years
       reactions.  18,42,48 . Reichl et al showed   the most important reasons forclinical   compared to the golden standard                                 ASE 6 years         69.2         21.2          9.6         0
       that unpolymerized TEGDMA and        failure  . The claim that minimizing the   3-step etch-and-rinse Optibond FL.           Surface roughness        cmf baseline       100            0            0           0
       HEMA remain chemically and           shrinkage stresses may lead to       They concluded that the overall                                             ASE baseline       100            0            0           0
       physically unchanged and can leach   improvements in the success rateand   bonding effectiveness of the new                                           cmf 3 years         98.6          1.4          0           0
       up to 30d  . It has been stated that   survival of restorations can be found in   adhesive was reasonable and                                         ASE 3 years        100            0            0           0
       for biocompatibility reasons these   many scientificarticles  50,51 . However,   comparable with bond strengths                                       cmf 6 years         84.8         12.1          3.1         0
       monomers should be avoided in        clinical evidence has been missing   recorded for other recently marketed                                        ASE 6 years         82.7         17.3          0           0
       dental biomaterials, especially in   that shrinkage stress plays such an   adhesives tested in the sameway .                 Caries                   cmf baseline       100            0
       patients with diagnosed allergies  . To   important clinical role  .The   Longevity results of restorations                                           ASE baseline       100            0
       replace thesemonomers in resin       investigated resin composite in this   placed in Class V non-carious lesions                                     cmf 3 years        100            0 1.5
                                                                                                                                                             ASE 3 years
       composite systems have been the      study, with both low shrinkage and   showed also that the clinical retention                                     cmf 6 years         98.5          1.5
       goal of novel research projects  .   low shrinkage stress but also with low   of the studied TEGDMA/HEMA-free                                         ASE 6 years         90.8          9.2
       Several HEMA-free adhesives have     flexural strength, flexural modulus, and   adhesive in low stress bearing
       been marketed during the last years   compressive strength [ 40,43 ],showed   localizations was highly acceptable          that unpolymerized TEGDMA and HEMA remain chemically  not the most important factor deciding the clinical effec-
                                                                                                                                                                                      tiveness of a resin composite system in posterior cavities. It
                                                                                                                                  and physically unchanged and can leach up to 30d [42].
       and acceptable clinical retention and   good clinical durability. The low annual   and in line with the better etch-and-  present six year follow up showed a   adhesives have shown rather good   published clinical studies did include a
                                                                                                                                                                                      has been suggested for many years that stress generation at
                                                                                                                                  It has been stated that for biocompatibility reasons these
       durability have been shown for some   failure rates observed were similar but   rinse adhesives  . The Class II         significant difference between the two   results in posteriorrestorations  . The   high selection of participants by
                                                                                                                                  monomers should be avoided in dental biomaterials, espe-
                                                                                                                                                                                      tooth/resin composite interfaces and the resulting interfacial
       of these products in Class V NCCL´ıs,   not superior to those observed in   restoration is the most stress bearing      experimental groups. The etch-and-   clinical handling characteristics,   excluding risk patients, like caries risk
                                                                                                                                                                                      deficiencies remain one of the most important reasons for
                                                                                                                                  cially in patients with diagnosed allergies [49]. To replace these
       and also in posterior restoration    other studies of several resin       restoration. The present six year             rinse adhesive showed a 1.9% annual   estimated as rather poor during the   and/orbruxing participants. In these
                                                                                                                                  monomers in resin composite systems have been the goal of
                                                                                                                                                                                      clinical failure [40]. The claim that minimizing the shrink-
       studies  . However, the TEGDMA       composites with higher shrink-age    results were obtained for extensive           failure rate compared to 3.3% for the   placement of the restorations, may   participants the majority of failures can
                                                                                                                                                                                      age stresses may lead to improvements in the success rate
                                                                                                                                  novel research projects [38]. Several HEMA-free adhesives have
       monomer and other low molecular      stress  40,52,53 . This finding is in   Class II restorations. Class I             self-etch adhesive group.The         have resulted in an inferior wetting of   be expected. To avoid selection bias,
                                                                                                                                  been marketed during the last years and acceptable clinical
                                                                                                                                                                                      and survival of restorations can be found in many scientific
       weight monomers are still used in    agreement with the statement in      restorations were not included as have        hypotheses was therefore rejected.   the cavity explaining partly the higher   all participants attending the PDHS
                                                                                                                                                                                      articles [50,51] However, clinical evidence has been missing
                                                                                                                                  retention and durability have been shown for some of these
       most marketed resin composites  .A   Magno et al´ıs meta-analysis and     been the case in many earlier                 The higher failure rate of the self etch   failure rate. Also an aging effect of the   clinic, who were in need of Class II
                                                                                                                                  products in Class V NCCL´ ıs, and also in posterior restoration
                                                                                                                                                                                      that shrinkage stress plays such an important clinical role [10].
                                                                                                                                                                                                         restorations, were asked to
       new methacrylate-free resin          earlier reported findings, that low   posterior resin composite studies.           adhesive was surprising due to the   interfacial adhesive bond may have  resin composite in this study, with both low
                                                                                                                                  studies [43]. However, the TEGDMA monomer and other low
                                                                                                                                                                                      The investigated
       composite was introducedin 2007      shrinkage stress is an important     Clinical posterior restoration studies        fact that the same adhesive applied by used in most marketed  shrinkage and  participate. The best comparison of
                                                                                                                                  molecular weight monomers are still
                                                                                                                                                                    influenced the outcome. During the  low shrinkage stress but also with low flexural
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the success rate of the HEMA-
       based on silorane monomers with      advantage and certainly plays a role   including Class I restorations show         brush showed rather good initial in   years rather large differences in  flexural modulus, and compressive strength [40,43],
                                                                                                                                  resin composites [41].
                                                                                                                                                                                                         TEGDMA-free resin composite system
                                                                                                                                                                    longevity for Class II restorations have
       traditional filler particles. The resin   for the durability of the restoration, but   lower AFR´ıs, depending on the ratio   vitro bond strength. Not at least  resin composite was introduced  showed good clinical durability. The low annual failure rates
                                                                                                                                     A new methacrylate-free
       composite polymerized through a      not as the main factor 10,12,54 . Reichl et   Class I/Class II restorations. The   because other HEMA-free self  monomers with traditional filler  observed were  with those of other traditional resin
                                                                                                                                  in 2007 based on silorane
                                                                                                                                                                    been reported. The design of many similar but not superior to those observed in
                                                                                                                                  particles. The resin composite polymerized through a ring-  other studies of several resin composites with higher shrink-
                                                                                                                                  opening polymerization process which reduced the volume  age stress [40,52,53]. This finding is in agreement with the
                                                                                                                                  shrinkage to less than 1%. A meta-analysis of 11 clinical stud-  statement in Magno et al´ ıs meta-analysis and earlier reported
       32  WORD OF MOUTH      SUMMER 18/19                                                                                        ies showed acceptable performance for the silorane-based  findings, that low shrinkage stress is an important advantage  33
                                                                                                                                                                                                      WORD OF MOUTH      SUMMER 18/19
                                                                                                                                  material and similarly to methacrylate-based resin compos-  and certainly plays a role for the durability of the restoration,
                                                                                                                                  ites [12]. The authors concluded that low polymerization was  but not as the main factor. [10,12,54].
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