Page 33 - Portfolio Writing - Israel Pillaga
P. 33


                  The Oktoberfest is a very famous festival around the world that started in
                  Germany  a  long  time  ago.  This  is  a  typical  festival  principally  in  Germany.
                  There, the people drink a lot of beer.

                  It is celebrated in October and it started by a trip headed with horses carriages

                  loaded with beer barrels, followed by a band of music. When it’s 12 o’clock, 12
                  bullets  are  fired  from  the  statue  representing  Bavaria,  who  was  a  god.
                  Immediately, all the beer barrels are opened and the people can drink, but the

                  major of the city is the person who drinks first. Then, the festival continues for
                  one or two more days. The people who participate in this festival, must wear
                  typical clothes.

                  This festival was adapted in other countries like Chile, Argentina, Mexico, etc.

                  This festival is only for adults and it’s interesting for foreign people.

                  Topic sentence: _________

                  General statements: _________

                  Details:              .

                  Transition words:               .

                  Concluding sentence:                    .



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