Page 107 - USLC - Catalogue (no cycle)
P. 107

USL SPORT LITE E.A.B 2.5CM                                USL SPORT LITE E.A.B 5CM

    USL Sport Lite E.A.B white is a light weight, hand tearable
    elastic adhesive bandage used for compression and support.
    Also used as a quick application for blood wounds and to
    support lineout jumpers in rugby.

                                                               CODE  PDE    DESCRIPTION                COST SRP
                                                                            USL Sport Lite E.A.B 5cm x 6.9m White
                                                               11802  2433796  12/box                  $65.16  $9.99 ea
    CODE   PDE    DESCRIPTION                 COST SRP         11951  2433818  USL Sport Lite E.A.B 5cm x 6.9m White roll   $5.43  $9.99
                  USL Sport Lite E.A.B 2.5cm x 6.9m White                   USL Sport Lite E.A.B 5cm x 6.9m Black
    13038  2471027                            $2.99  $5.50     11804  2433842                          $65.16  $9.99 ea
                  (roll wrapped)                                            12/box
                  USL Sport Lite E.A.B 2.5cm x 6.9m Black (roll             USL Sport Lite E.A.B 5cm x 6.9m Black roll
    13043  2471000  wrapped)                  $2.99  $5.50     11807  2451972  (wrapped)               $5.43  $9.99
    USL SPORT LITE E.A.B 7.5CM                                USL SPORT LITE E.A.B 10CM

    CODE   PDE    DESCRIPTION                COST SRP
                  USL Sport Lite E.A.B 7.5cm x 6.9m White
    11803  2433826                           $75.00  $11.50 ea
                  USL Sport Lite E.A.B 7.5cm x 6.9m White
    11950  2433834  roll (wrapped)           $6.25  $11.50 ea  CODE  PDE    DESCRIPTION                 COST SRP
    11805  2433850  USL Sport Lite E.A.B 7.5cm x 6.9m Black   $75.00  $11.50 ea  13044  2497239  USL Sport Lite E.A.B 10cm x 6.9m White (roll   $7.34  $13.50
                  12/box                                                    wrapped)
                  USL Sport Lite E.A.B 7.5cm x 6.9m Black                   USL Sport Lite E.A.B 10cm x 6.9m Black (roll
    11806  2451980                           $6.52  $11.50 ea  13045  2471035                           $7.34  $13.50
                  roll (wrapped)                                            wrapped)
    USL SPORT GRIPTEC PRE TAPE                                USL SPORT GRIPTEC
    ADHERENT SPRAY 200ML                                      COLD SPRAY 200ML

    An exciting new tape adhesive spray developed in          Cools and relieves pain associated with contusions, sprains and
    New Zealand by GripTec in consultation                    strains while being ozone-friendly. Contains no
    with leading sports physiotherapists.                     damaging fluoro-carbons.
    This spray has been manufactured
    and tested in the toughest conditions.

                                   80+ MIN

    CODE   PDE    DESCRIPTION                 COST SRP         CODE  PDE    DESCRIPTION                 COST SRP
    12069  2515024  USL Sport Adhesive Tape Spray 200ml  $16.29  $29.99  13644  2451999  USL Sport Cold Spray 200ml  $9.77  $17.99

                                                              SPORT & REHAB  |  CONSUMER CATALGOUE 2017
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112