Page 13 - USLC - Catalogue (no cycle)
P. 13

CARNATION® CALLOUS CAPS                                   CARNATION® CORN SHIELDS

    A clinically proven, all-in-one way to remove painful     Fully lined with an advanced polymer gel, provides
    callouses                                                 protection, relieves pain, absorbs shock and reduces friction on
    Combine a large, soft felt ring to relieve the pressure on the   the corn and all round the toe.
    callous, together with a measured dose of                 Containing mineral oil to soften and
    Salicylic Acid to loosen the thick layers of              moisturise the skin, the shields can help
    dead skin.                                                to gently remove corns and prevent the
                                                              pressure which causes the reoccurrence
                                                              of corns.
                                                              •  Carnation Corn Shields are available in
                                                                packs of 3, one size fits all.

    CODE   PDE    DESCRIPTION                   COST SRP       CODE  PDE    DESCRIPTION                   COST SRP
    2565102  715050  Callous Caps Medicated 2/pk  $6.08  $11.20  25651852  2458411  Carnation Corn Shields 3/pk  $5.16  $9.50
    CARNATION® TOE GELCARE                                    CARNATION® CHIROPODY FELT
    SEPARATOR                                                 5mm medical grade, self-adhesive felt, as used by

    Soft gel cushions fit comfortably between toes to relieve
    pressure and rubbing                                      •  Relieves rubbing
    •  Gel contains mineral oil to help maintain the skin’s elasticity  •  Soft and thin to follow the contours
                                                                of the foot
    •  Can be washed and re-used
                                                              •  Ideal for tender spot relief
                                                              •  Self-adhesive

    CODE   PDE    DESCRIPTION                 COST SRP         CODE  PDE    DESCRIPTION                 COST SRP
    2565116  2387557  Carnation Toe Gelcare Separator  $6.08  $10.50  2565106  715107  Chiropody Felt (Adhesive)  $5.70  $10.50
    CARNATION® BUNION PROTECTOR                               CARNATION® TOFOAM

    Long lasting, cost effective protection to relieve the pain   Provides padding and portection
    caused by bunions. Ideal for chronic sufferers            •  Versatile tubular to protect all around toes
    •  Soft, flexible gel contains mineral oil to             •  Lightweight and comfortable whilst being easily
      moisturise and help soften the skin                       removable and reuseable
    •  Slim design fits easily into the shoe                  •  Pack includes two sizes - one for
    •  Toe loop to help positioning on the                      the big toe and one for the smaller toes
    Long life - can be washed and

    CODE   PDE    DESCRIPTION                 COST SRP         CODE   PDE    DESCRIPTION                COST SRP
    2565117  2387565  Carnation Bunion Protector            $10.05  $18.50  25651854  2458446  Carnation Tofoam 2pk  $6.08  $10.50

                                                           OVER THE COUNTER  |  CONSUMER CATALGOUE 2017
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