Page 19 - USLC - Catalogue (no cycle)
P. 19

Beat Head Lice Today!

      ✔   Kills lice & eggs in

           15 minutes

      ✔   No combing

           required                         BUY
                                                GET 2
                                         10 FREE*

      ✔  Odourless                          BUY
                                               GET 1
                                           6 FREE*

                                                               CODE  PDE    DESCRIPTION                 COST SRP
                                                               6456887  2464780  Hedrin Headlice Liquid Gel 100ml  $14.67  $26.99
                                                               6456885  2464772  Hedrin Lice Spray Gel 100ml  $14.67  $26.99

       Hedrin 15 is a highly effective

             15 minute treatment
             against lice and eggs.

           Available in Pharmacies.

      *free product is applicable to 1 SKU throughout the whole range only
                                                                 BABY CARE  |  CONSUMER CATALGOUE 2017
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