Page 10 - Reported Speech vs. Indirect Question
P. 10



                                             is  a  way  of  asking  in  a  polite  way.  They  are

                                            very  common  in  English,  especially  when
                                            you're talking to someone you don't know.

                            Does Tim live here?                                  Direct Question

                                                                               is used when you ask a

                                                                             question to your friends/

                                                                                     your siblings.

                      Tom                      Jane

                              Excuse me.                                       Indirect Question

                            Can I ask you if

                            Tim lives here?                                     We often use it when
                                                                                 asking something of

                                                                                strangers/ people we
                                                                              don’t know well or older

                                                                                   people (parents,

                                                                                 grandparents, your

                                                                              teacher, your boss, etc).

                         Tom                           Grandma

                                                10 | R e p o r t e d   S p e e c h   v s .   I n d i r e c t   Q u e s t i o n
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