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Environmental Being friendly to the environment isn’t just about recycling, Features We hold it at heart that all furnitures aren’t only meant to be
Friendly we believe it’s being kind to nature. Therefore, we are extremely household equipments at home. We also believe they must be
careful when it comes to our processes and manufacturing functional, sustainable and of course, look aesthetically pleasing
details. Our top and base coat lead content test have all passed to our eyes. They’re with us all the time! Here, have a look at
161 US standard test. Our glue–formaldehyde content test is also some of the features our Natural Signature’s furnitures have.
below the test parameter required.
99% Solid Wood Flat Packing & High Loadability User Friendly & Easy Set Up
We preserve all natural wood knots We fully utilise space in our packing format Easy to assemble, dismantle and
and other natural elements in our to reduce transportation costs. Most of re-assemble.
rubber wood furniture. our products can be carried in your own
personal vehicle.
Simple Yet Functional Do-It-Yourself (DIY), Create-It-Yourself Value For Money
Our creative, unique, simple yet practical (CIY) & Play-It-Yourself (PIY) Our happy customers have more
furniture will meet your personal require- All our products can sustain paints and stains budget allocation for furniture.
ments and daily needs. efficiently, making them easily customised
and personalised to be exclusively yours.
Safety First For The Environmentally Friendly Exclusively Yours
With safety constantly in our mind, We ensure our products can also be Most of our Natural Signature are
we make it our priority to ensure all our referred to as ‘green furniture’ by making protected under our exclusive patent.
products’ level of formaldehyde meet them ready-to-use with their natural So you can be sure what you have are
the strict requirements of world’s coating. Very minimal adjustments are exclusive and not just any other mass
safety standard. done to upkeep a high utilisation ration. produced furniture.
Mix Load Program
Small or big business owners need not fear of transportation and cost when they’re with Natural
Signature. We have designed this program to make easy for each purchases. You don’t need to
buy in bulk of the same thing anymore! But rather, you can buy each product in small quantities
and we can ship them all for you in the same container!
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