Page 25 - v3 Yearbook
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                                                                           these wonderful traditions and practices which have endured.

                                                                           When you were in School, the Headmistress drummed into your heads
                                                                           ad nauseam, the tradition of the School and what was expected of you.
                                                                           In her moments of frustration, when you let the side down, did she try
                                                                           to impress upon you how insignificant you were as individuals, and that
                                                                           generally, in the grand scheme of things, if we were to draw a graph, not
                                                                           even a dot would or could represent you?

                                                                           You were known for been noisy and unruly and therefore often got into
                                                                           trouble. I am sure that you remember when the bell tolled twice, one
                                                                           being for special elections. That was unusual and unprecedented.

                                                                           Recently when we interacted, I felt fulfilled watching you and listening
                                                                           to you. I am impressed by the maturity and courage you exhibit. You
                                                                           did not just pass through the School; the School indeed passed through
                                                                           you. You have taken your rightful place in the family by doing what is
                                                                           expected of you and so the tradition goes on!
        Hello Class of 96,
                                                                           I look forward with excitement to see you all in your numbers. I wish you
        The speech day we are celebrating, which you are hosting, is special. It   well as you prepare for your reunion.
        marks 180 years of the founding of the School which has grown into
        a big family and a national icon. This should be a source of pride and   Enjoy yourselves. Good Luck.
        excitement for you.
                                                                           Dr. Rosina Acheampong
        Were you told often that you are part of a great tradition of longstanding?   Headmistress (1981 – 1997)
        Going down memory lane, thirty years ago marked the introduction of

                      WEYGEYHEY 96                                      24                                       20TH ANNIVERSARY YEARBOOK
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