Page 2 - SixMistakesSuccessfulWomenMake22
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Mistake #1:
Failing to Trust your Internal Guidance System
For the most part, all of my female clients and friends have this amazing guidance
system th protec them from dang and them to opportunity I’v heard
this guidance system called many things, but I personally refer to it as intuition.
hav lo count of th numbe of tim a woman h described ho her
significan oth go burned chasing “g quick opportunity that sh had
warned him to avoid because she just did not feel right about it. Of course, a lot of
men hav found themselv in d water af ignoring h wife’ words.
Perhaps, men just can’t relate to the concept that feeling could be used to justify
an important business decision.
There are no two ways about it: men and women are different. For example, if
something looks like a sheep, talks like a sheep and walks like a sheep, a man will
say, “It must be a sheep.” A woman, however, may defy all logic: “That ain’t no
sheep!” And she’ll probably be right… I don’t know how women do it; they just
majority of ou clien are women and sadly , regularly witness them
question their intuition. Quite often, after being educated on how money and
investment really works, I have heard statements such as, “I knew something about
what was being taught by the media and so-called gurus just did not make sense.”
Y es, these “gurus” and the other W all Street professionals that many of my clients
describe are indeed, quite often, quick to share their opinions disguised as financial
adv However, poten investor should rememb on thing if you can’t
verify a statement, is an opinion. fact, when it comes to your financial
wellbeing, you may want to consider disregarding unverifiable statements
altogether Here at Matrix W ealth Management, LLC, when we share ideas, we
make it clear that if these ideas can’t be verified by cold, hard facts, they should be
disregarded. W e also remind people of the need to be able to verify the information
they have provided to us. If you make statement that you can’t verify, also
have the right to disregard it.