Page 309 - sscbbb
P. 309

99 - If 35% of the cars produced by these six countries are diesel and the rest are petrol, then how many petrol cars were produced (in millions)?
मदद इन छह देशों द्िाया ननभभतण गाड मों भें से 35% डीज़र गाड माॊ हैं औय शषे ऩेट्रोर हैं, तो ककतनी ऩेट्रोर गाड मों का उत्ऩादन (दस राख भें) ककमा गमा?
[A] 1.755 [B] 0.945 [C] 2.7 [D] 1.8
100 - If on an average the cost price of a car is 30000 USD and environmental tax levied on each car is 2.5% of its cost price, how much environmental tax was collected (in billion USD) from production of cars in these 6 countries?
मदद एक गा ी की औसतन रागत 30000 अभयीकी डारय हो औय प्रत्मेक गा ी ऩय रगाए गए ऩमािण यण टैक्स इसकी रागत कीभत का 2.5% हो, तो इन 6 देशों भें गाड मों के उत्ऩादन से
ककतना ऩमाणियण कय (अयफ अभयीकी डारय भें) एकत्र ककमा जाएगा?
[A] 1.03 [B] 2.03 [C] 3.03 [D] 4.03 Direction(101-104): The line graph shows net exports in million USD of a certain country (Net export = Exports-Imports).Study the diagram and answer the following questions.
राइन ग्राप एक ननजश्चत देश का शिु ननमातण (दस राख अभयीकी डॉरय भें) दशातण ा है. (शिु ननमातण = ननमातण - आमात). इस आयेख का अध्ममन कयें औय ननम्नभरखखत प्रश्नों का उत्तय दें-
19 August 2017 Afternoon Shift
101 - In how many years were the net exports more than that of the previous year? ककतने िषों भें कु र ननमातण वऩछरे िषण की तरु ना भें अधधक था?
[A] 1 [B] 3 [C] 4 [D] 2
102 - If the exports in 2013 were 90 million USD then what was the imports (in million USD)?
 40 30 20 10
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
 30 30
    -10 -20 -30
net exports in million USD
शुधति )ियाय (दस ऱाख अमरीकी डॉऱर में)

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