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                         As a foreign student at STKIP PGRI – Sidoarjo, I have the privilege to study in a campus
                  that  is  unique.  Not  in  terms  of  size  or  international  recognition,  but  in  the  way  it  runs  its
                  programs and how it focuses attention on its students. The atmosphere is conducive for studying
                  even if you do not have a class.

                         This book is one of the first group projects that I have been given the opportunity to
                  work with my peers. It comprises a compilation of presentations, questions and answers on the
                  subject “Philosophy of Education”.

                         Some may wonder how this book is unique. Well, it is not the view of only one person
                  but the views of many students at the campus, including myself, on the topic mentioned above.
                  When you read this compilation, you will find that each student has their own opinion on a
                  particular sub-topic and that the perception of each person is different.

                         Education and its philosophy is not something that can be limited to one book or one
                  culture, it is a continually developing sphere that  keeps growing and changing direction as
                  society advances and moves towards the future. I believe that we cannot confine education to
                  any one method and that as times change, so must the processes, methods and theories.

                         While we, as students of life study in this arena, we must always keep an open mind to
                  new stimulus which may originate from people, events and almost anything in the world around
                  us. Many philosophers have given their opinions and that is what we study, however, one must
                  not consider that it gives us completeness. Education is something we all take part in until our
                  last day.

                         This forward is to remind all those who read it that, education never ends. From the time
                  we  come  into  this  world,  we  start  learning.  Our  parents,  teachers,  friends,  colleges,
                  acquaintances, strangers, leaders, elders all play an integral part in our learning and as long as
                  we keep ourselves open to new input, we will continue to grow and this book will help its
                  readers to broaden their perspectives and look at the “Philosophy of Education” in a different

                                                                                          Alvis Delano Dave
                                                                                 Student - NIM: 1988103021
                                                                         Masters Degree in English Education
                                                                                     STKIP PGRI – Sidoarjo

                         2  PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION                       MPBI-STKIP PGRI SIDOARJO BATCH 4&6 2020
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