P. 24
Today, English is very important around the world; many countries use this
language as their native language and in others as a second language. Nowadays, it
is very common to see in schools and colleges, the teaching of this language. And
it is present in many aspects of everyday life such as business, labor and culture.
That’s why I chose the career of languages essentially because in this way I will get
know other cultures, the traditions and customs which are practiced worldwide.
Teaching the English language requires a huge ability both in knowledge of
the language and the knowledge of its pedagogical competences. Grammar II, is to
develop the students’ grammatical competence while teaching, so they can give an
explanation of the use, significance and principles of the grammatical structures of
English to be applied in the communicative context with a high level of efficiency.
It also attempts to practice and explore a range of grammar teaching options in the
students of seventh level at Carrera de Idiomas. So, in this way students will be
able to choose a range of teaching approaches and representative selection
of grammar items that will allow them to develop sample lessons,
including their evaluation. Students will also be able to solve grammar
problems through a communicative approach taking into account the features of
every individual teaching situation.
That’s why in this subject Grammar II, I’ll do my best, firstly taking into
account that this syllabus has a deep focus on communicative approach for grammar
to contribute to the Communicative Competence which involves knowing how to
use the grammar and vocabulary of the language to achieve communicative goals,
and knowing how to do this in a socially appropriate way in order to achieve the
grammar competence. Secondly, knowing that this syllabus is also a reading
intensive and it requires participation both in person during class hours and virtually
through the online course platform.