Page 10 - 2025 Van Buren Chamber Community Profile
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      of I-49 from Highway 22 to I-40 between  Boyd and Petty both stated “We are
      Barling and Alma, just east of Fort Smith,  thankful to the members for recognizing
      will include a new bridge across the  the importance of this corridor to the
      Arkansas River, a major component of the  region,  to  the  state  and  to  the  nation.
      McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation  Investment in our state’s infrastructure is
      System. Interchanges will be constructed  vital to the growth of our economy.”
      at Highway 22, Gun Club  Road,  Clear    “This project, particularly the I-49
      Creek Road, and I-40. Gun Club Road  Arkansas  River  bridge,  is  a  significant
      will  be  improved  to  highway  standards  milestone toward our goal of completing
      between future I-49 and Highway 59.   the  I-49  corridor  from  Fort  Smith  to
         “Interstate 49 has been a major driver  Texarkana,”  said  Arkansas  Highway
      of economic growth in Arkansas, and  Commissioner Keith Gibson. “When
      continuing toward the completion of this  finished,  I-49  will  offer  a  safer  and  more
      project will only expand on that success,”  efficient  north-south  highway  in  western
      said Governor Sarah Sanders. “Arkansas is  Arkansas. The convergence of two major
      a transportation and logistics powerhouse  interstate highways,  I-49 and  I-40, in  the
      because we sit at the center of America’s  River Valley will form a crossroads from the
      heartland, and I’m proud to work with our  Canadian  border  to the  Gulf  Coast, and
      state and federal partners to invest in the  from the East Coast to the West Coast with
      infrastructure that connects the Natural  the River Valley as the centerpiece. When
      State with the nation.”               combined with the area’s major railway
         Senator Justin Boyd and Senator Jim  systems and waterway transportation
      Petty  recently  facilitated  a  Joint  House  opportunities, I-49 will generate significant  we’re grateful that our Congressional
      and  Senate  Transportation  Committee  economic  benefits  and  development  not  Delegation, our Governor, and our
      meeting in Fort Smith  to update  the  only to the region but to the entire state  Legislature supports that mission,” said
      membership on the status of Interstate 49.   of Arkansas.”                  ARDOT Director Lorie Tudor. “We are
      The members voted unanimously to write a   “ARDOT has made it a priority to  eager  to  begin  work  on  this  critical  first
      letter of support for the project.  Senators  complete Interstate 49 in Arkansas and  piece from Highway 22 to Gun Club Road.”

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