Page 56 - 2025 Van Buren Chamber Community Profile
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      of Van Buren. As the county seat,  the  first  of  its  kind  for  Van  Buren.  the last decade, Van Buren’s Fire
      it is home to the Crawford County  With the ability to host gatherings  Department was expanded to include
      Courthouse and is where much of  and operate as a disaster operations  a fire station on Northridge Drive to
      county business is conducted.         center, the facility provides abundant  ensure excellent response times in
         A great testament to the strength  value to the community. It is equipped  the rapidly growing north quadrant
      and    foresight  of   Van   Buren’s  with a tornado safe room that is open to  of the city. The strategic placement of
      leadership is its abundance of quality  the public during severe weather. The  the station helps the Van Buren Fire
      facilities. Located throughout the city,  Senior Activity Center also employs  Department  to  consistently  maintain
      public buildings support government  numerous green technologies and is  an ISO 2 rating, which demonstrates
      operations and provide citizens  LEED-certified,  which  has  saved  the  the highest level of safety standards.
      places for learning, recreation and  city thousands of dollars over time in  The  superior  rating  benefits  citizens
      more. The city boasts a spacious  utility and other costs.                  and the city by keeping fire insurance
      library and senior activity center,      Millions  of  dollars  have  been  premiums affordable and by helping
      as  well  as  modern  police  and  fire  invested in the city’s emergency  ensure rapid response times to
      stations. New parks  and  trails  have  response services. The Van Buren  structure fires and other emergencies.
      also been established in recent years  Police Department operates from a  It also serves  as a major cost-saving
      for residents’ enjoyment. The historic  state-of-the-art, 26,000 square-foot  incentive to companies looking to
      downtown area has experienced a  headquarters. The facility includes  potentially locate in the region.
      major revitalization that has resulted  vast layers  of security,  as well as   To learn more about city services
      in new businesses, special events, and  amenities  for  officers,    and  a  space  or to view a comprehensive list of city
      increased  foot  traffic  over  the  past  to hold informational courses and  departments and branches, visit www.
      decade.                               special community events. Over
         Van Buren Public Library offerings
      include book clubs, knitting groups,
      and workshops designed to sharpen
      computer skills and more. Many
      groups also reserve the library’s large
      community room and other meeting
      spaces for their events, study sessions,
      or other gatherings.                                                 1403 City Park Road
         The Van Buren Senior Activity
      Center    is  another    source   of                                 P.O. Box 443
      tremendous pride for the community.                                  Van Buren, AR 72956
      It provides  older adults  a space to                             479-474-9401
      come together for classes, meals and
      other recreational activities.
         Adults  age  60 and  older  go  to
      the activity center to play BINGO or
      pool,  join  a  quilting  group,  dance,
      or participate in exercise sessions. In   cheers to 75 years
      addition to providing an opportunity
      to  socialize,  the  center  ensures  that   Thank you to our Members and
      local  seniors  on  fixed  incomes  don’t   community for your continued support!
      go  hungry.  The  center  is  equipped
      with an industrial kitchen, allowing it to
      serve more than 4,000 meals through       Visit or call
      its Meals on Wheels program, as well      (479) 397-2373 to learn more!
      as low-cost daily meals to visitors.
                                                Insured by NCUA.
         The multifunctional building was
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