Page 6 - Pro Soccer Drills
P. 6
Rather they should take their shots from around
the 18.
Too often players (especially younger players) Results:
dribble almost exclusively with their dominant
foot. However, to keep possession of the ball Players often need to change directions with the
players need to be able to dribble with both feet. ball. This drill will help with that since players
This drill forces players to get better with their are required to dribble in three circles. This drill
weak foot which will help them keep possession will also help players keep possession of the
of the ball in games. ball while dribbling quickly.
Around the World
Dribbling with Speed
What Your Need: Half a soccer field, 4 cones,
A goal (and goalie if you choose) What You Need: A soccer field, A line of play-
ers with balls
How This Drill Works:
How This Drill Works:
Set the 4 cones in a square. The square should
be about 20 yards long and 20 yards wide. One This is another basic drill but it is very good.
end of the square should be on the 18.
Players will begin on one sideline. Each player
This drill will begin at one of the cones on the will have a ball. The players will sprint across
18. The first player in line will sprint to the next the field to the other sideline and then they’ll
cone, circle around the cone, and then sprint to sprint back.
the next cone and circle again.
Players should concentrate on keeping their
Once the player circles around the third cone heads-up and running as fast as they can.
(the other cone on the 18), that player should Players should not kick the ball out in front.
fire the ball into the goal. They must keep control of the ball and dribble.
To make it a little more challenging you can put
a goalie in the net. Players shouldn’t dribble in.