P. 154

Nombre: Alvaro Ezequiel Arauco Calani

                  Especialidad: Comunicación y lenguajes: Lengua extranjera (Inglés)

                  Año de formación: Segundo Año

                  The Fox and the Goat

                    A FOX one day fell into a deep well            your back and escape, and will help

                        and could find no means of                    you out afterwards."  The Goat

                  escape.  A Goat, overcome with thirst,           readily assented and the Fox leaped
                        came to the same well, and                      upon his back.  Steadying

                   seeing the Fox, inquired if the water             himself with the Goat's horns, he
                        was good.  Concealing his                    safely reached the mouth of the

                    sad plight under a merry guise, the           well and made off as fast as he could.
                          Fox indulged in a lavish                      When the Goat upbraided

                     praise of the water, saying it was              him for breaking his promise, he

                      excellent beyond measure, and                    turned around and cried out,
                    encouraging him to descend.  The               "You foolish old fellow! If you had as

                         Goat, mindful only of his                       many brains in your head
                  thirst, thoughtlessly jumped down, but           as you have hairs in your beard, you

                         just as he drank, the Fox                    would never have gone down

                     informed him of the difficulty they          before you had inspected the way up,
                       were both in and suggested a                    nor have exposed yourself to

                    scheme for their common escape.                  dangers from which you had no
                        "If," said he, "you will place                      means of escape."

                   your forefeet upon the wall and bend

                          your head, I will run up
                                                                       Moral : Look before you leap.
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