Page 5 - PAIRINGS Dogs and Homes_Neat
P. 5

Lhasa Apsos are the perfect
                                                   finishing touch for this stately,
                                              neoclassical manor in an exclusive,
                                                      gated, three-home enclave
                                                adjacent to Memorial Park. Black
                                                    and white is always so stylish
                                                              and sophisticated.

                                                 Lhasa Apsos are alert, assertive,
                                                    devoted, energetic, fearless,
                                                       friendly, intelligent, lively,
                                                    obedient and playful. Family
                                                 comedians, they are also regally
                                                            aloof with strangers.

                                                              Featured Property:
                                                                24 Crestwood Dr
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