Page 27 - Gititlocal CB 2017-2018
P. 27
Page 27
Symbols are like word pictures.
Defini on of symbol
1. : an authorita ve summary of faith or doctrine : creed
2. : something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of rela onship,
associa on, conven on, or accidental resemblance; especially : a visible sign of something
invisible the lion is a symbol of courage
3. : an arbitrary or conven onal sign used in wri ng or prin ng rela ng to a par cular
field to represent opera ons, quan es, elements, rela ons, or quali es
4. : an object or act represen ng something in the unconscious mind that has been
repressed phallic symbols
5. : an act, sound, or object having cultural significance and the capacity to excite or
objec fy a response
Symbols say a lot to us. They cause us to remember, think, and represent to us words,
people, and ideas. However, what a symbol means to one person may not necessarily mean
the same to another. Therefore, symbols can be misused and misleading. Occult symbols
are fast replacing Christian symbols in our culture. Therefore, we encourage you be aware
and alert, when you see your children and grandchildren wear and display unknown symbols
on their clothing, or anything else for that matter, because they are popular, search for the
meaning and be sure. Like a light in your car it may show danger.
Keep in mind that many symbols have double or multiple meanings. For example, the
pentagram has been used to transmit occult power in all kinds of rituals for centuries, but
to Christians the same shape may simply represent a star -- a special part of God's creation.
The image of a fish may mean a sign of the zodiac (astrology) to some, but to Christians it
has meant following Jesus and sharing the message of His love.
One early Chris an symbol was a bu erfly or moth. In a recent movie Silence of the Lambs
it was used to represent a twisted changing and murder. Even the tle of the movie screams
of the murder of the true Lamb of God, and his followers. S ll symbols can be beneficial
as teaching aids, direc ng thoughts, and causing us to see meaning. Symbols are a part of
our life and represent different things to us. We see them on our money, capital buildings,
and even in our cars. Symbols represent values, concepts, and even variables.
Symbols can warn us of impending danger, like the lights in the dashboard of our cars.
Symbols on signs of the roadway tell us to beware of certain dangers. Symbols seem to
speak to us even though different languages. A symbol can say the same thing to a man
who speaks German as well as the man who speaks English. In schema cs symbols
represent items, in blueprints they show loca on and where special a en on is required.
We can be thankful that the fish was used by early Chris ans as a means of iden fica on.
It perhaps helped in the spread of the Gospel. The Greek word for 'fish' is 'ichthus'
(transliterated from the Greek). The early Chris ans formed an acros c from these le ers
as follows: I= Iesous (Jesus); CH=Christos (Christ); TH=Theo (God); U= UIOS (Son); SOTER
(Savior). Therefore, the idea of the fish, or the sight of the symbol, would immediately
bring to the believer's mind the good news of Jesus Christ. It would alert one to the
ministry of Jesus, remind them that He referred to His disciples as “fishers of men”
(Ma hew 4:19; Mark 1:17) and how He fed His followers meals of fish
(Ma hew 14:13-21, 15:33-39; and parallel accounts). Therefore, the fish was an excellent
choice to represent the followers of Jesus. During the early days of Chris anity, Chris ans
were o en put to death for prac cing their faith, so they worshiped in secret places. Back
then to be a Chris an was to be a traitor to the state, as the Emperors thought they were
gods. Therefore, a fish painted on the outside door of a house let other Chris ans know
that they would be welcome and safe inside. Today, in the good old U.S.A., we do not fear
preaching Jesus like they did. Our government sill protects our right to worship as we
please, and we s ll have our right to free speech. The Chris an fish symbol today is o en
used to iden fy Chris ans or Chris an businesses. Chris ans and Chris an businesses are
not perfect, nor, do they claim to be. However, If they are trying to follow Christ and Biblical
principles as Christ taught them, you should receive be er service by trained and proficient
professionals who have it in their heart not only to please you the customer, but their
Heavenly Father as well. They should deal with you in a Chris an manner and work out
problems in the same manner. For a symbol to maintain its intended ideas it must be
held in honor, and represent in the abstract what is prac ced in the realm of reality by those
who claim it. We know the Declara on of Independence con nues to symbolize freedom.