Page 4 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 4


                                                Our team  of 17 employees consists of 14

                                                specialist applicators highly trained in the
                                                decorative paint field and also possess their
                                                very own unique skills ranging from
                                                carpentry to wallpaper installation.

          Stephen  Chase                       Ewan Meredith                      Clipton Villier

                 CEO                           Creative Artist                     Application

         Serving the paint and              20 years Expertise in               Specializes in all
         decorative trade since 1978        concept creations, System           techniques ranging from
         in my home country of U.K          creations for External &            basic painting to gold
         before relocating to Dubai         Internal Decorative paints,         leaf gilding to
         in 2013  and gaining the           Customized Decorative               customized application
         knowledge of the middle            Solutions, Artwork, Floor           of intricate Italian
         east market during my time         Art, Murals, Recycled Art.          plasters and faux
         employment with two                                                    finishes.
         distinguished international
         painting companies.  In late
         2017 I founded Liverpool
         Décor, supply & apply
         services for superior
         decorative paints and Italian
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