Page 4 - Nick and Melanie's 1st Month
P. 4
January 18th
(2nd date)
January 18th
I was 100% thinking about kissing you
since the moment I left from our
first date. By the second, I sort of
over-thought it a lot in my head
trying to figure out the best time to
do it.
Next thing I knew, the credits were
rolling on that crap horror film, and I
was walking you to your train, while
the synapses of my brain decided to
play musical chairs the moment I had
the brilliant idea of being suave.
But I went for it anyways. And you
pulled back. My heart went from my
throat to my ass all in one gulp. But I
sure am glad I went for it, cringe and
all <3
January 18th
(That awkward kiss)