Page 3 - Digital Medicaid Workbook
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welcome to the family
We have handled hundreds upon This process is no longer yours to deal
hundreds of Medicaid cases and we with alone - you now have us on your
have gotten every single one approved! side and that means we will guide you
We operate within the rules and through every step of the way. We
requirements of the Department of strive to do as much as we can for you,
Children & Families to get our clients but there will be areas where you are
approved. If you’re working with us - required to take action. We will help
you don’t need to worry. Just sit back you understand exactly what needs to
and allow us to navigate the process for be done and when you have to do it.
you. And if you have questions? You can
reach out to us as much as you want
Our firm has the background and track because we are totally unique in our
record to help your loved one get the industry. We only charge a one time,
care they deserve without having to go
flat rate fee which includes meetings,
broke to get it. No matter what
legal work, all required documents, and
roadblocks we encounter along the
any questions that you might have
way, we have a highly experienced
along the way.
team which will help resolve them