Page 2 - Fifth Form Graduation Mass Programme 2020
P. 2
Message from the Principal to the Graduating Class of 2020
“Faith does not grow in the house of certainty” (W.P. Young; The Shack).
It is ironic that you chose the theme Into the Unknown before the COVID -19
Pandemic began ravaging the globe, destroying lives, families and socio-economic
structures. This invisible enemy has brought uncertainty and fear and appears to be
stealing the opportunities and dreams of our young people.
Our school however is known for producing women of worth; women of faith in a
God who is master of the unknown. We believe in a God who has a plan for us, a
God that no virus can control. You are grounded in a sound Catholic Education and a
Cluny tradition. In your five years here, the seeds of living a faith-filled life have
been planted, watered and nurtured. So ladies, step out in faith into the unknown.
When God leads you towards your life’s goals, he doesn't tell you how it's going to
happen or how long it is going to take or where you will get all of the resources that
you need. He leads you one step at a time. And if you trust him and step out into the
unknown, not knowing how it is going to work out, then he will show you the next
step and the next. He is not going to show you a blueprint for your whole life. If
you knew everything about your future, you wouldn't need any faith. If you have the
boldness to step into the unknown and do what God is asking you to do, doors will
open that you could have never opened, the right people will be there to help you and
you will have the resources that you need.
You have the example of our foundress Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey. She was
called by God as a young woman to venture from France into the world to do “the
Holy will of God”. She did not know exactly where she would be led, but she was
sure of Who was leading her. Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Guadeloupe and
French Guiana may have been her “unknown”, but her obedience to the call to mis-
sions and her devotion to service are responsible for the very existence of our Cluny
So it is with you young ladies. We urge you to keep your focus on the known God
and he will chart the course and navigate you through the unknown -
Keep believing. Keep dreaming. Step by step, God is leading you to fulfil your goals
and your dreams.
We wish you every success.
D. East
Ag. Principal (Sec.)
2 July 2020