Page 5 - Part-1
P. 5

and shore up revenues. Apart from the capacity challenges,  The plant was engaged in the manufacture of a limited range The plant was engaged in the manufacture of a limited range   Apar
                                                              and shore up revenues. t from the capacity challenges, the process parameters
 the  process parameters  of the existing equipment  are  of products at its inception. Over the years, the company has of products at its inception. Over the years, the company has   of the existing equipment are difficult to monitor, which in
                                                              turn affects product quality. No new equipment can be
 difficult to monitor, which in turn affects product quality. No  developed a range of products of differing complexity and developed a range of products of differing complexity and   Apart from the capacity challenges, the process parameters
                                                              accommodated in the current infrastructure and use of old
 new equipment can be accommodated in the current  grown its market share considerably. A considerable amount grown its market share considerably. A considerable amount   of the existing equipment are difficult to monitor, which in
                                                              technology such as Planetary Mixer instead  of the latest
 infrastructure and use of old technology such as Planetary  of this increased demand has been met by outsourcing the of this increased demand has been met by outsourcing the   turn affects product quality. No new equipment can be
                                                              Rotary Mixer Granulator also impact quality. Adoption of
 Mixer instead of the latest Rotary Mixer Granulator also  manufacture  of certain drugs to third-party  production manufacture  of certain drugs to third-party  production   accommodated in the current infrastructure and use of old
                                                              new technology will help minimise errors and improve
 impact quality. Adoption of new technology will help  under strict  quality  control. The  upgradation  project  will under strict  quality  control. The  upgradation  project  will   technology such as Planetary Mixer instead  of the latest
 minimise errors and improve productivity.  allo              Rotary Mixer Granulator also impact quality. Adoption of
        allow RPG Life Sciences to reverse this outsourcing trend w RPG Life Sciences to reverse this outsourcing trend
        and shore up revenues.                                new technology will help minimise errors and improve

 experience, some of them suggested the use of new  Project  Blossom has an  estimated  Capex  outlay of Rs 33 Project  Blossom has an  estimated  Capex  outlay of Rs 33   experience, some of them suggested the use of new xperience, some of them suggested the use of new
 equipment such as Digital Vernier Callipers and Hardness  crore spread across 3 years. The current developments  in crore spread across 3 years. The current developments  in   equipment such as Digital Vernier Callipers and Hardness quipment such as Digital Vernier Callipers and Hardness
 Testers for IPQC (In-process Quality Control) and Mobile  adoption of WHO quality  standards and phasing out  of adoption of WHO quality  standards and phasing out  of   Testers for IPQC (In-process Quality Control) and Mobile esters for IPQC (In-process Quality Control) and Mobile
                                                              CIP (Cleaning in Process) units for automated cleaning of (Cleaning in Process) units for automated cleaning of
 CIP (Cleaning in Process) units for automated cleaning of  loan-licensing practices, along with cap on trade margins and loan-licensing practices, along with cap on trade margins and   CIP
 the Granulators.   the government’s drug price control order, may keep pricing government’s drug price control order, may keep pricing   t the Granulators. he Granulators.
        under pressure
        under pressure and burden companies with higher costs. All and burden companies with higher costs. All
                                                              These ideas will go a long way in increasing productivity and hese ideas will go a long way in increasing productivity and
 These ideas will go a long way in increasing productivity and   T
        of this necessitates  an  urgent  revamp  of existing  this necessitates  an  urgent  revamp  of existing
 enhancing the quality of the products. Yet another brilliant   enhancing the quality of the products. Yet another brilliant nhancing the quality of the products. Yet another brilliant
        infrastructure and processes in old plants which will pave the ucture and processes in old plants which will pave the
 brainwave has been the suggestion to increase the batch size   brainwave has been the suggestion to increase the batch size ave has been the suggestion to increase the batch size
        way for greater efficiencies. ay for greater efficiencies.
                                                              for se
 for selected products. This will help the plant to exploit   for selected products. This will help the plant to exploit lected products. This will help the plant to exploit
 economies of scale,  bring  down  manufacturing  costs and  Since the plant employees are well versed in the challenges, Since the plant employees are well versed in the challenges,   economies of scale,  bring  down manufacturing  costs and conomies of scale,  bring  down manufacturing  costs and
 improving productivity.   they                               improving productivity. ving productivity.
        they  have shown admirable  levels  of ownership and have shown admirable  levels  of ownership and
        engagement  in the  revamp.  A series  of brainstorming agement  in the  revamp.  A series  of brainstorming
                                                              Energy costs contribute a major chunk rgy costs contribute a major chunk
 Energy costs contribute a major chunk   sessions  and  discussions  involving cross-functional  teams and  discussions  involving cross-functional  teams   Ene
 to the OPEX at the F1 facility. The   has yielded  a range  of innovative  ideas spanning across a range  of innovative  ideas spanning across   to the OPEX at the F1 facility. The o the OPEX at the F1 facility. The
        has yielded
 team is working on replacing   categ                         team is working on replacing eam is working on replacing
        categories such as production planning, layout optimization, ories such as production planning, layout optimization,
 electrical heaters with hot water   automation and energ     e
                                                              electrical heaters with hot water lectrical heaters with hot water
        automation and energy  savings. Ultimately, adoption  of y  savings. Ultimately, adoption  of
                                                              in t
 in the HVAC systems, which will   moder                      in the HVAC systems, which will he HVAC systems, which
        modern technology  will  yield  higher efficiencies  thereby n technology  will  yield  higher efficiencies  thereby
                                                              resultill result in enormous cost
 result  in  enormous  cost  offering competiti               w       in   enormous    cost
        offering competitive pricing advantage.  ve pricing advantage.
                                                              reductions and help move towards tions and help move towards
 reductions and help move towards                             reduc
                                                              more environment-friendly
 more  environment-friendly  P                                more      environment-friendly
        Poring over layout plans and putting themselves in the shoes oring over layout plans and putting themselves in the shoes
 manufacturing practices.  of                                 man
                                                              manufacturing practices.ufacturing practices.
        of the shop-floor staff, the teams came up with several ideas  the shop-floor staff, the teams came up with several ideas
        with  regards to area optimisation and charting paths for regards to area optimisation and charting paths for
        minimum man-material movement. Drawing from their um man-material movement. Drawing from their
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