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 In the current environment of technological                       In the current environment of technological
 disruption and product innovative, we have to be                  disruption and product innovative, we have to be
 ever ready to embrace change and offer better                     ever ready to embrace change and offer better
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 products and claim a bigger share of the market.                  products and claim a bigger share of the market.
 The current revamp will ensure the success of this                The current revamp will ensure the success of this
 project.                                                          project.
          The taste  of success  will  be all the  more sweeter
          when we know that we have eliminated all the major
          challenges that hold us back today and have been
          able to obtain  regulatory approvals, are able to
          deliver consistent quality products, can see improved
          documentation and have also managed to enhance
          existing capacity. And accomplish all of this within
          designated timelines and costs!

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 There  are 2  types  of saving  we  anticipate out of            There  are 2  types  of saving  we  anticipate out of
 Project  Blossom - Imperceptible and Perceptible                 Project  Blossom - Imperceptible and Perceptible
 cost savings. The former will help us meet enhanced              cost savings. The former will help us meet enhanced
 global  manufacturing  standards  and  gain                      global   manufacturing  standards  and   gain
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 international regulatory approvals. This will increase           international regulatory approvals. This will increase
 our revenue and profitability.   ƒ                              our revenue and profitability.

           We have embraced Hello Happiness in whatever
 In terms of Perceptible cost savings, we will be able            In terms of Perceptible cost savings, we will be able
           we  do and I believe  that  our overall efforts are
 to increase the batch size of high volume products,              to increase the batch size of high volume products,
           geared towards ensuring the happiness of patients
 thereby reducing  the  number of batches. This in                thereby reducing  the  number of batches. This in
           and employees. Our focus has always been to offer
 turn will translate into significant savings in energy           turn will translate into significant savings in energy
 and testing costs. the  best  product at the  best  price. My personal   and testing costs.
           motto  is  ‘The  best  is  yet  to  come’  and  Project
           Blossom is a reflection of this.
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