Page 3 - Tomatin
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Motivation for applying Internship
As a part of the Masters programme in Why Should you pick me as an Intern?
Communication at Aalborg University, First of all - it is not gonna cost you anything!
the students are required to find a As an intern, I am not required to get a
company for a 4 to 6 month period. monthly salary. As a danish student I am
The students have complete freedom to supported by the danish goverment.
find a company, that they think can
challenge their abilities. S
Second - I knecond - I know my stuff, and I am a hard
working individual. I love to work, and
Thats whats why I have chosen to send an
T challenge myself.
application to you, at Tomatin. Because
you are an international recognised Third - I have always wantet to work abroad,
brand, who I think does a lot of and working for you would mean i could
different kind of marketing to promote combine work and pleasure.
the different varieties of products that
you have. Four - You have nothing to lose !
Also the innlso the innovative product series
known as ”the five virtues” and the kind
of marketing you have done to launch it
world wide, is phenomenal in my mind.