Page 5 - Phonak hearing Aids
P. 5

Acoustic coupling

                                               S Receiver        M Receiver         P Receiver        UP Receiver
      Available in four different lengths (0, 1, 2, 3),  •          •                  •                  •
      left and right
      Cap dome                                    •                 •                  •
      Open dome   Available in three sizes (S, M, L)  •             •                  •
      Vented dome  Available in three sizes (S, M, L)  •            •                  •
      Power dome  Available in three sizes (S, M, L)  •             •                  •
      Hard                                        •                 •                  •
      Silicon                                     •                 •                  •
      Titanium                                    •                 •                  •
      Hard                                        •                 •                  •                  •
      *Available with extra canal length option  dB HL      dB HL              dB HL              dB HL
                                          0                  0                  0                 0
                                          10                 10                10                 10
                                          20                20                 20                 20
                                          30                30                 30                 30
                                          40                40                 40                 40
                                          50                50                 50                 50
                                          60                60                 60                 60
                                          70                 70                70                 70
                                          80                80                 80                 80
                                          90                90                 90                 90
                                         100                100                100               100
                                         110                110                110                110
                                          125  250  500  1k  2k  4k  8k  125  250  500  1k  2k  4k  8k  125  250  500  1k  2k  4k  8k  125  250  500  1k  2k  4k  8k
                                         Mild to moderately-severe    Mild to severe hearing loss.  Mild to severe hearing loss.   Moderate to profound
                                         hearing loss.                                           hearing loss.

      Phonak Audéo M Trial™

      The new Phonak Audéo M Trial hearing aids can be quickly set to the required performance level in order to suit your
      recommendation. Various levels of technology in one Phonak Audéo M Trial hearing aid provides you with many options for
      providing the hearing solution at the first appointment or bridging the gap during repairs.
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