Page 12 - Nourish and Revive e-magazine
P. 12

Hello I’m Heidi Jo Rickard, NTC the owner of Nourish and Revive

                                    My Philosophy for Whole Body Health

  Symptoms are your body’s way of telling you something needs ad-

  dressing and correcting. Ignoring them will just develop into more

  symptoms  and  possibly  something  more  serious.  Supporting

  healthy foundations of the body will help its natural ability to re-

  pair and prevent future symptoms.

  The simple version: We look for what is blocking health, add in nu-

  trition, remove the blockages and let the body self-correct.

  The long version: We will help your body identify and remove the

  blockages that have been causing stress and disease. Your body will

  repair the damage with the right whole food supplements, homeo-

  pathics,  herbal  remedies,  recommended  healthy  foods  and  other

  diet and/or lifestyle recommendations. You will learn how to sus-

  tain a healthy, holistic and natural lifestyle. This skill is life chang-

  ing. Invest in health and protect the future you.

  Your body’s ability to build and heal itself is amazing and Nourish

  and  Revive  wants  to  help  you  with  a  personalized  program  that

  offers  proper  guidance  and  resources  to  allow  the  body  to  self-

  correct. (please tur n the page to contline reading, thank you)
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