Page 11 - puget sound energy community energy programs
P. 11


               Reconnecting existing electric service after repair or replacement

                                 All electrical equipment and wiring on the customer side of the meter (including meter
                                 base and service masts) are owned and maintained by the customer. Therefore, you are
                                 responsible for any repair or replacement of storm-damaged or failed metering
                                 equipment. If you must repair/replace equipment of this kind, your service may need to
                                 be de-energized or disconnected.
                                 For more information, refer to Chapter 8, Disconnection and Modification of Service, of
                                 this handbook or contact your CCS Representative at 1-888-321-7779.

                                 The time needed for engineering, scheduling, and construction of the work will vary
                                 depending upon the complexity of the job, possible right-of-way permits, easements,
                                 and the volume of work requested by PSE customers. Contact your CCS Representative
                                 at 1-888-321-7779 for current construction scheduling

               Underground or overhead service?

               Which type        The two types of permanent services are underground and overhead.
               of electrical     You can determine if PSE’s system is underground or overhead by checking for our
               system is         facilities along your road. If the power system is underground, you’ll see facilities like
               available in      those in Figure 1. If the power system is overhead, a series of poles similar to Figure 2
               your area?        will be visible.
                                 Use Table 1 to help you determine which type of electrical service can be provided. For
                                 help determining which type of system is in your area, call your CCS Representative at
               Underground       If your area is served underground, one or more underground facilities should be
               service           visible (see Figure 1). Please request a permanent underground service (Chapter 2).

               Figure 1          Underground facilities


                      STUBOUT                   PEDESTAL              HANDHOLE              PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER

               Electric Service Handbook 2017 — Single-Family Residential Projects                           2
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16