Page 9 - pace maker 359371-001_LATITUDE_Patient_Manual e-magazine
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Electromagnetic Emissions and Immunity          88
              Software                                        95    English
              Explanation of Product and Label Symbols        96
              Frequently Asked Questions                      98
                 What should I do if the Heart
                   button is flashing?                        98
                 Does the Communicator call 911 in an
                   emergency?                                 98
                 Where should I place my Communicator?        98
                 How do I set up my Communicator using
                   a standard telephone connection?           98
                 How do I set up my Communicator
                   using the cellular data network and
                   a USB Cellular Adapter?                    98
                 How do I set up my Communicator using the
                   LATITUDE USB Ethernet Adapter?             99
                 How do I set up my Communicator using the
                   Wireless Internet Adapter (MultiConnect BE)? 99
                 How do I know the Communicator is working?  99
                 What do these lights mean?                   99
                 How do I manually send my data?              99
                 When do I use my Communicator?               99
                 What do I need to do with my Communicator
                   if I travel?                               99
                 How do I dispose of my Communicator and
                   Accessories?                             100
                 Where can I go for more help?              100

                                LATITUDE Communicator Patient Manual   5
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